- • 当您使用或开启相关功能、使用服务或基于满足客户组织管理需要时,为实现功能、服务或管理所必需,我们会收集、使用相关信息,详见附录1:《中金固收App个人信息收集清单》。
- • 为实现业务功能或根据法律法规要求所必需,我们会在您使用特定功能或服务时收集、使用您的敏感个人信息,具体的收集场景、目的和范围请见附录2:《中金固收App敏感个人信息清单》。
- • 通讯录、精确地理位置、摄像头(相机)、麦克风、相册(存储)、日历权限等均不会默认开启,只有经过您的明示授权才会在实现特定功能或服务时使用,您也可以撤回授权。特别需要指出的是,即使经过了您的授权,我们获得了这些敏感权限,也不会在相关功能或服务不需要时处理这些信息。详见附录3:《应用权限申请与使用情况说明》。
1. 本服务如何收集和使用个人信息
1.1 注册、登录、认证
1.1.1 注册、登录
1.1.2 认证
在您使用“中金主承” 、“中金市场观察-地产债周报”、“中金市场观察-ABS周报”等功能或使用其他需要身份认证的功能或相关服务所需时,根据相关法律法规,您可能需要提供您的真实身份信息(真实姓名、电话号码、公司邮箱、名片等)以完成认证。同时为了验证该类信息的准确性和完整性,中金固收会将您提供的信息与合法存有您信息的机构(政府机关、事业单位、商业机构)进行验证核对。您可以拒绝提供,如果拒绝提供您将可能无法获得相关服务,但并不影响您使用我们的其他服务。
1.2 消息通知
1.2.1 您知悉并同意,对于您在使用本服务过程中提供的您的联系方式(例如:联系电话、邮箱),我们在运营中可能会向其中的一种或多种方式发送多类通知,用于活动提醒、身份验证、安全验证、用户使用体验调研等用途。您可以拒绝提供联系方式,如果拒绝提供您可能无法获得相关服务,但并不影响您使用我们的其他服务。
1.2.2 您可以自由选择是否参加我们举办的营销活动,若您选择参与,根据活动需要,可能需要您提供姓名、联系地址、联系方式等信息。这些信息是您收到活动礼品所必要的,您可以拒绝提供这些信息,但我们将无法向您发放活动礼品。
1.3 资讯及影音内容
1.3.4为了向您提供固收FM音频、研究报告音频等后台播放服务,如果您在播放音频时退出App,我们需要将固收APP提升为前台服务,以防止应用被系统回收, 从而保持持续的音频播放。同时,我们在系统通知栏添加音频操作按钮,在您点击相关操作按钮后可能会启动App。如果您拒绝提供相关权限,并不影响您使用我们的其他服务。
1.4 复制与分享
1.5 意见反馈
1.6 活动提醒
1.7 电话会议
1.8 消息推送
1.9 浏览、点击记录
1.10 收集、使用个人信息目的变更
1.11 安全运行
1.11.1 运营与安全保障
1.11.2 设备信息与日志信息
1.12 征得授权同意的例外
1.13 添加水印服务
我们将收集用户信息(可能包括您的移动电话号码、邮箱号、用户姓名),用于在中金固收APP、小程序、PC Web端和H5端的研报摘要页,研报原文PDF页,该信息不会用于任何商业用途,该水印会展示在用户本人所观看的页面或者本人所下载的文档上,除非用户本人对外转发,否则第三方不可见。
1.14 自启动服务
1.15 其他
2. 我们如何使用Cookie和同类技术
2.1 我们使用操作系统API、Cookie等类似技术,以提升您使用本服务的体验。当您使用本服务时,我们可能会使用相关技术向您的设备发送一个或多个Cookie或匿名标识符,以收集和存储您访问、使用本服务时的信息。我们承诺,不会将Cookie用于本隐私政策所述目的之外的任何其他用途。我们使用Cookie和同类技术主要为了实现以下功能或服务:
a.保障产品与服务的安全、高效运转:我们可能会设置认证与保障安全性的Cookie 或匿名标识符,使我们确认您是否安全登录服务,或者是否遇到盗用、欺诈及其他不法行为。这些技术还会帮助我们改进服务效率,提升登录和响应速度;
3.1 原则
3.1.1 合法原则:与第三方合作过程中涉及数据使用活动的,必须具有合法目的、符合法定的合法性基础。如果合作方使用信息不再符合合法原则,则其不应再使用你的个人信息,或在获得相应合法性基础后再行使用。
3.1.2 正当与最小必要原则:数据使用必须具有正当目的,且应以达成目的必要为限。
3.1.3 安全审慎原则:我们将审慎评估合作方使用数据的目的,对这些合作方的安全保障能力进行综合评估,并要求其遵循合作法律协议。我们会对合作方获取信息的软件工具开发包(SDK)、应用程序接口(API)进行严格的安全监测,以保护数据安全。SDK目录请参考附录4:《第三方SDK目录》。
3.2 共享
3.3 实现功能或服务的数据使用
a. 地理位置服务:当您使用地理位置相关服务时,位置服务提供商(神策统计分析、极光推送)可能会通过SDK或相关技术使用您的GPS信息、设备信息,以便向您返回位置结果。位置信息是个人敏感信息,拒绝提供仅会影响地理位置服务功能,但不影响其他功能的正常使用。
b. 推送功能:为与您使用的终端机型适配消息推送功能,终端设备制造商(华为、小米、OPPO、VIVO等)可能通过SDK等技术使用你的手机型号、版本及相关设备信息。
3.4 转移
3.6 公开
3.7 委托处理
4. 我们如何存储个人信息
4.1 存储地点
4.2 存储期限
4.2.1 您在使用本服务期间,我们将持续保存您的个人信息,保存期限将以不超过为您提供服务所必须的期间为原则。如我们停止运营本服务,我们将在合理期限内依照所适用的法律对所持有的您的个人信息进行删除或匿名化处理。在您终止使用本服务或关闭相应授权后,我们会对您的信息进行删除或做匿名化处理,但以下情况除外:
4.2.2 若您是企业授权用户,针对企业控制的数据,我们将根据客户指示处理,如您对相关内容有疑问或主张相关的个人信息权益,您可以联系客户或企业客户管理员处理。
5. 我们如何保护个人信息的安全
5.2 我们采用严格的数据处理权限控制,避免数据被违规使用。我们采用行业广泛应用的加密技术对您的个人信息进行加密保存,并通过数据隔离技术进行隔离。我们始终落实该等技术措施和组织管理方式,并可能不时加以修订完善以提升系统的整体安全性。
5.3 尽管已经采取了上述合理有效措施,并已经遵守了相关法律规定要求的标准,但请您理解,由于技术的限制以及可能存在的各种恶意手段,即便竭尽所能加强安全措施,也不可能始终保证信息百分之百的安全,我们将尽力确保您提供给我们的个人信息的安全性。请您知悉并理解,您接入我们的服务所用的系统和通讯网络,有可能因我们可控范围外的因素而出现问题。因此,我们强烈建议您采取积极措施保护个人信息的安全,包括但不限于使用复杂密码、定期修改密码、不将自己的账号密码等个人信息透露给他人。
5.4 在发生危害网络安全的事件时,我们会按照网络安全事件应急预案,及时采取相应的补救措施。
5.5 在我们获悉发生了您的个人信息不幸被泄露、非法提供或滥用的个人信息安全事件后,我们将按照法律法规的要求及时向您告知:安全事件的基本情况和可能的影响、我们已采取或将要采取的处置措施、您可自主防范和降低风险的建议、对您的补救措施等。事件相关情况我们将以推送通知的方式告知您,难以逐一告知个人信息主体时,我们会采取合理、有效的方式发布公告。请您注意,根据法律法规的规定,如果我们采取措施能够有效避免信息泄露、篡改、丢失造成危害的,我们可以选择不向您通知;但是监管部门认为可能造成危害并要求我们向您通知的,我们将根据要求向您通知。同时,我们还将按照监管部门要求,上报个人信息安全事件的处置情况。
5.6 您一旦浏览或使用其他网站、服务及内容资源,我们将没有能力和直接义务保护您在使用第三方产品过程中提交的任何个人信息,无论您登录、浏览或使用上述软件、网站是否基于本服务的链接或引导。当您查看第三方创建的网页或使用第三方开发的应用程序时,这些第三方可能会放置他们自己的Cookies或像素标签,这些Cookies或标签不受中金固收的控制,且它们的使用不受本隐私政策的约束。请您与他们直接联系以获得他们隐私政策的详细情况。如果您发现这些第三方创建的网页或第三方开发的应用程序存在潜在风险时,建议您终止相关操作以保护您的合法权益。
6. 管理您的个人信息
6.1 访问隐私政策
6.2 改变或撤回授权范围
6.2.1 您可以在设备本身操作系统中关闭相关权限,改变同意范围或撤回您的授权。撤回授权后我们将不再收集与该权限相关信息。
6.2.2 您使用中金固收中的产品与服务后,您可以在这些产品与服务中撤回权限授权。同时您可以通过邮件发送撤回隐私政策同意申请至FI_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com.cn。一般情况下,我们将在收到申请后的15个工作日内进行核实处理,并以邮件的方式进行反馈。
6.2.3 特定的业务功能和服务将需要您的信息才能得以完成,当您撤回同意或授权后,我们无法继续为您提供撤回同意或授权所对应的功能和服务,也不再处理您相应的个人信息。但您撤回同意或授权的决定,不会影响我们此前基于您的授权而开展的个人信息处理。
6.3 查询、更正账号信息
6.4 查询、更正、删除其他信息
6.5 注销账户
6.5.1 您可以注销使用手机号注册的账户,通过邮件发送注销申请至FI_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com.cn。邮件内需提供您的注册手机号。一般情况下,我们将在收到申请后的15个工作日内进行核实处理,并以邮件的方式进行反馈。
6.5.2 在您的账号被注销前,我们可能会要求您进行身份验证,以保障账户安全。您知悉并理解,注销账号的行为是不可逆的行为,在您的账号被注销后,我们将删除有关您的相关信息或进行匿名化处理,但法律法规另有规定或根据客户需要就客户使用的数据另行处理的除外。 当您从中金固收的服务中删除信息后,中金固收可能不会立即在备份系统中删除相应的信息,但会在备份更新时删除这些信息。
6.6 停止运营并向您公告
(1) 与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;
(2) 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;
(3) 与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和执行判决等直接相关的;
(4) 有充分证据表明您存在主观恶意或滥用权利的;
(5) 响应您的请求将导致其他个人、组织的合法权益受到严重损害的。
7. 我们如何保护未成年人的信息
7.1 本APP的产品或服务主要面向成年人。我们非常重视对未成年人个人信息的保护。我们只会在受到法律法规允许、父母或其他监护人同意的情况下处理未成年人的个人信息。
7.2 若您是未成年人的监护人,当您对您所监护的未成年人的个人信息有相关疑问时,请通过本隐私政策载明的联系方式与我们联系。
7.3 特别提示:14周岁以下的儿童及其监护人,请仔细阅读以下儿童个人信息保护规则:
8. 隐私政策的修订和通知
9. 联系我们
收集个人信息的场景 | 可能会收集的个人信息 | |
账号相关 | 注册、登录 | 头像 |
昵称 | ||
密码 | ||
手机号码 | ||
邮箱地址 | ||
姓名 | ||
机构名称 | ||
部门名称 | ||
赛道名称 | ||
职务 | ||
密码重置 | 手机号码 | |
搜索 | 搜索结果 | 搜索关键字信息 |
搜索日志信息记录 | ||
运营与安全保障 | 设备信息与日志信息 | 硬件型号和设置 |
操作系统版本号及设置 | ||
设备名称 | ||
设备配置 | ||
国际移动设备识别码 | ||
唯一设备标识符(如IMEI、AndroidID、OAID、IMSI、ICCID、GAID、MEID,具体字段因软硬件版本不同而存在差异) | ||
网络设备硬件地址(MAC地址) | ||
IP 地址 | ||
基站 | ||
软件版本号 | ||
网络接入方式 | ||
网络接入类型 | ||
网络质量数据 | ||
位置信息 | ||
操作、使用、服务日志 | ||
应用程序信息 | 软件安装列表或正在运行的进程信息、应用程序总体运行、使用情况与频率、应用崩溃情况、总体安装使用情况、性能数据 | |
应用来源 |
版本号:Android 1.0.8,iOS 1.0.8,及此后更新版本
a 为保障中金固收产品功能实现与安全稳定运行之目的,我们可能会申请或使用操作系统的相关权限;
b 为保障您的知情权,我们通过下列列表将产品可能申请、使用的相关操作系统权限进行展示,您可以根据实际需要对相关权限进行管理;
c 根据产品的升级,申请、使用权限的类型与目的可能会有变动,我们将及时根据这些变动对列表进行调整,以确保您及时获悉权限的申请与使用情况;
d 请您知悉,我们为业务与产品的功能与安全需要,可能也会使用第三方SDK,这些第三方也可能会申请或使用相关操作系统权限;
权限名称 | 权限功能说明 | 使用场景或目的 |
iOS 应用权限列表
plist中描述名称 | 权限功能说明 | 使用场景或目的 |
• 为保障中金固收相关功能的实现与应用安全稳定的运行,我们可能会接入由第三方及关联方提供的软件开发包(SDK)实现相关目的。
• 我们会对获取信息的软件工具开发包(SDK)进行严格的安全监测,以保护数据安全,通过第三方收集的您的信息存储在中金公司自有服务器上,不会分享给第三方合作伙伴。
• 我们对接入的相关SDK在目录中列明。
• 请注意,第三方SDK可能因为其版本升级、策略调整等原因导致数据处理类型存在一定变化,请以其公示的官方说明为准。
SDK名称 | 使用目的 | 收集数据类型 | 官网链接 |
SDK名称 | 使用目的 | 收集数据类型 | 官网链接 |
《Privacy Policy》
Update On: July 13, 2023
Effective On: July 14, 2023
Dear users,
China International Capital Corporation (Singapore) Pte. Limited (hereinafter referred to as "CICC" or "we", "our", "us"), as the operator of CICC products and services, is fully aware of the importance of personal information to you, and we will follow laws and regulations to protect your personal information and privacy. This Privacy Policy is related to the CICC services and online applications (as available on App stores and web browsers) (“apps”) that you may use. Where applicable, the Schedule appended hereto shall form part of this Privacy Policy, and any reference to “this Privacy Policy” herein shall also include such Schedule. We have strived to express this Privacy Policy with easy-to-understand and concise words, and have marked in bold the clauses in this Privacy Policy that are materially related to your rights and interests. Please pay attention. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, and only use the services and apps provided by CICC after you fully understand and agree with the information contained herein. If you click or check "Agree" and submit, you agree to the collection, storage, usage, sharing and processing of your relevant information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We have developed this Privacy Policy and would like to remind you of the following to help you make appropriate choices:
- When you use or enable our apps and services, we will collect and use your personal information for the realization of certain functions, to perform services or for management purposes. For details of the types of personal information which will be collected, please refer to Appendix I: Checklist of CICC Service Personal Information Collection.。
- Furthermore, in order to achieve business functions or as required by laws and regulations, we will collect and use your sensitive personal information when you use specific functions or services. For details of the types of sensitive personal information which will be collected and the purposes of such collection, please refer to Appendix II: Checklist of CICC Service Sensitive Personal Information Collection.。
- For some of our apps and services, contacts, precise geographic location, camera, microphone, photo album (save-in), calendar permissions will not be enabled by default, and will only be used for specific functions or services with your express authorization. You can also withdraw the authorization at any time. It is important to point out that even if we have obtained these sensitive permissions with your authorization, we will not use them unless required by the relevant functions or services. For details, please refer to Appendix III: Permission Application and Usage Description.
For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, references to “personal information” include “personal data” as defined under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (“PDPA”) of Singapore.
The following will help you learn more about how we collect, use, store, share and protect your personal information, and help you understand how to check, copy, delete, correct, and withdraw authorized personal information.
1. How and Why We Collect and Use Your Personal Information
In order to provide you and other customers with our apps and services, maintain the normal and safe operation of our apps and services, and optimize the functional experience of our apps and services, you agree and consent to CICC, entities within the CICC Group including CICC’s subsidiaries, business partners, respective agents, authorized service providers and relevant third parties collecting and using the information you actively provide or authorize to provide when registering and using our apps and services as well as the personal information generated during your use of our apps and services in accordance with the following purposes and methods:
1.1 Registration, Login, Authentication
1.1.1 Registration and Login
a. When you register for our apps and services, you need to create an account using the necessary information, and you can complete the relevant online identification information(name, email, work information, password, etc.). The information is collected to help you complete your registration to use our apps and services. If you refuse to provide the information for registration and login, we may not be able to offer you the service you seek from us.
b. When logging into this service, you need to provide your mobile phone number and password. Additionally, you may use verification methods such as fingerprints, facial recognition, and SMS verification codes to confirm your identity. To provide a more secure and convenient login experience, if your device and your version of the App both support fingerprint and/or face recognition functions, you can choose to enable such functions on the App and log into the App by completing fingerprint or face verification on your device. It is important to note that we only receive the verification results and do not collect your fingerprint or facial information. If you prefer not to use fingerprints or facial recognition, you can still log in using other methods.
c. Please be aware that our apps and services are intended for corporate and institutional investors. In order to provide you with better services, please contact your sales representative in time when your company information, department, email address, phone number and job title change, and we will keep your information in our system up to date. You and/or the company you work for shall bear the legal consequences, risks and responsibilities arising from the failure to notify us of the foregoing matters.
1.1.2 Authentication
When you use the functions or related services in the App that require identity authentication, you may need to provide your real identity information (real name, phone number, company email, company information, department, job title, business card, etc.) to ensure that you are able to use the identity authentication functions. Meanwhile, in order to verify the accuracy and completeness of such information, CICC may check the information you provide with the institutions (government agencies, institutions, and commercial institutions) that legally possess your information. You can refuse to provide such information. If you refuse to provide such information, you may not be able to obtain access to related services, but it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.2 Notification
1.2.1 You know and agree that for your contact information (such as phone number, email address) provided by you during the use of our apps and services, we may send multiple notifications to one or more of these contact addresses during service operation, including activity reminders, identity verification, security verification, user experience research and other notifications. You can refuse to provide your contact information. If you refuse to provide your contact information, you may not be able to obtain access to related services, but it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.2.2 You can freely choose whether to participate in the marketing activities or events held by us. If you choose to participate, you may be required to provide your name, address and other contact information according to the needs of the activity or event. This information is necessary for you to receive event gifts (if applicable). You can refuse to provide such information but we will not be able to deliver the event gift to you.
1.3 News and Audio-visual Content
In order to access audio and video resources including live streaming, etc., you may need to enable the multimedia functions of your device and change your audio and video settings. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
In order to provide you with the Zoom meeting feature embedded in the App, Bluetooth permission is required so that you can use your Bluetooth device as a sound player, and microphone permission is also required so that you can speak in the meeting. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
In order to provide you with continuous video playback services, we need to upgrade the App to a foreground service to prevent the App from being killed by the system, thereby providing continuous video playback. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.4 Copy and Share
In order for you to copy and share information, we need to access your clipboard and read the text, links and other content contained within so as to realize functions or services such as page-jumping or switching, copying, and sharing. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
When you share information, we need to check the Apps installed on your phone to share the information with the Apps you want to share. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.5 Feedback
1.5.1 During the use of our apps and services, you can give your feedback on the problems encountered and service experience in order to help us better understand your experience and needs when using our products or services. While helping you solve problems that you encountered during your use of our apps and services, this will help us improve our products and services as well, so we will collect your contact information, feedback questions or suggestions, your correspondence/call records with us and other related content (including account information, the information you provide to prove relevant facts, or other contact information you have submitted or provided to us), so that we can further get in touch with you and keep you up to date about your feedback processing.
1.5.2 For some of our apps and services, when you use the feedback function, if you want to send pictures, you need to authorize permissions to access the photo library and the camera to take pictures. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.6 Event Reminder
In order for us to remind you of live-streaming events or for you to participate in relevant activities, you need to authorize the calendar permission to so that the event information will be added into the calendar function on your device. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.7 Browse History
In order to provide you with personalized and accurate services to improve your experience in using our products and services, we will collect your browsing, searching and forwarding records and conduct reasonable analysis based on your information. You can refuse to provide such information. If you refuse to provide such information, you may not be able to get access to related services, but it will not affect your use of our other services. At the same time you can send a request to check your personal browsing, searching and forwarding records by email to FICC_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com. In general, we will verify and process the request within 15 working days after receiving it. The feedback will also be sent by email.
1.8 Teleconference
For some of our apps and services, phone call access is required in order for us to allow you to contact a customer manager or attend a teleconference. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.9 Push Notifications
For some of our apps and services, when you want to receive the push notifications sent to you by CICC in a timely manner, you need to enable the notification function, and for Android users, you also need to authorize the permission to start-up launching, notification management and vibration control. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.10 Changes in the Purpose of Collecting, Using, Disclosing and/or Processing Personal Information
Please be aware that with the development of our business, there may be adjustments and changes to the functions and services provided by CICC. In principle, when the new functions or services are related to the functions or services we currently provide, the personal information collected and used will be directly or reasonably related to the original purposes. In scenarios that personal information is collected, used, disclosed and/or processed for new purposes which are not directly or reasonably related to the original purposes, we will inform you of such change in reasonable ways such as by page prompts and other interactive processes, and obtain your consent for such changes in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations.
1.11 Safe Operation
1.11.1 Operation and Security
We are committed to providing you with safe and reliable products and experiences, and it is our core goal to present you with high-quality and reliable services and information. In order to maintain the smooth operation of our services and protect the legitimate rights and interests of you or other users or the general public from loss, we will collect the necessary information set out at 1.11.2 below to maintain the safe and stable operation of our products or services.
1.11.2 Device and Log Information
- a. In order to ensure the safe operation, quality and efficiency of our software and services, we will collect the following information from you: hardware model, operating system version, device identifiers (such as IMEI, AndroidID, OAID, IMSI, ICCID, GAID, MEID, different identifiers will vary in terms of validity period, whether they can be reset by the user, and how to obtain them), software installation list, MAC address, IP address, WLAN access (eg. SSID, BSSID), base station, software version number, network access method, type, status, network quality data, operation, usage, service log, computer system (Windows or Mac), browser and version, screen resolution.
- b. For some of our apps and services, in order to prevent malwares and ensure operational quality and efficiency, we will collect installed application information or information of the running process, overall application operation, usage and frequency, application crashes, overall installation usage, performance data and application sources.
- c. We may use your account information, device information, service log information, and information provided by our associated parties and partners with your authorization or in accordance with the law to check account and transaction security, perform identity verification, and identify violations of laws and regulations, detect and prevent security incidents, and take necessary recording, analysis, and handling measures in line with the law.
1.12 Others
For some of our apps and services, if you want to keep the screen on when using an App, you need to authorize permission to prevent the device from sleeping. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
In order to provide you with stable network connection and continuous services, you need to authorize permission to network functions, complete network access, network links, network link changes, WLAN status, and WLAN status changes.
2. How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies
2.1 We use operating system APIs, Cookies and other similar technologies to give you better experience of using our apps and services. When you use such apps and services, we may use related technologies to send one or more Cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device to collect and store the data when you visit and use such apps and services. We promise not to use Cookies for any purpose other than those described in this Privacy Policy. We use Cookies and similar technologies mainly to achieve the following functions or services:
- a. To make sure the safe and efficient operation of products and services: We may set Cookies or anonymous identifiers for authentication and security, so that we can confirm whether you are safely logging in to the service, or whether you have encountered account theft, fraud or other illegal activities. These technologies will also help us improve service efficiency and shorten the time for login and App response.
- b. To make sure you have an easier visit experience: Using such technologies could streamline the repetitive operations such as filling in your personal information and logging in repeatedly.
3. How We Disclose Personal Information to the Public
3.1 Principles
3.1.1 Principle of legality: During cooperation with a third party, data usage activities must have a legitimate purpose and comply with the legal basis of law. If the use of information by the partner no longer conforms to the principle of legality, it should stop using your personal information, or use it after obtaining the corresponding legal approval.
3.1.2 The principle of legitimacy and necessity: The use of data must have a legitimate purpose and should only be necessary to achieve the purpose.
3.1.3 The principle of security and prudence: If required by applicable laws, we will carefully evaluate the purpose of data usage by our partners, and will use commercially reasonable efforts to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the security assurance of these partners as well as require them to follow the legal agreement of cooperation. If required by applicable laws, we will also use commercially reasonable efforts to conduct security monitoring on the Software Development Kits (“SDKs”) and Application Programming Interfaces (“APIs”) used by our partners to obtain information so as to ensure data security. For more information about SDKs, please refer to Appendix IV: Third-Party SDKs.
In this Section 3, “third parties” include our associated parties, cooperative financial institutions and other partners, and the term “third party” shall be construed accordingly.
3.2 Sharing
We promise to keep your personal information strictly confidential. Unless otherwise stipulated by laws, regulations and regulatory authorities, we only share your personal information with third parties in the following circumstances. When it is indeed necessary to share the personal information with a third party, we will evaluate the legality, legitimacy and necessity of the third party in terms of information collection, we will require the third party to take protective measures for your personal information, and strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, regulatory requirements or agreement.
- (1) In accordance with applicable laws and regulations and by following the effective legal documents of the court or mandatory administrative or judicial requirements as well as other legal procedures, customer information will be disclosed to the relevant government agencies, judicial agencies, regulatory agencies, self-regulatory organizations, or any institution or individual who needs to receive customer information as required by the aforementioned institutions or applicable laws and regulations.
- (2) To the extent permitted by applicable laws, regulations and regulatory provisions, the personal information will be necessarily disclosed in order to safeguard social and public interests, or to protect personal and property safety or legitimate interests and rights of CICC and customers of CICC, or its associated parties, partners, other users or employees.
- (3) To the extent permitted by applicable laws, regulations and regulatory provisions, the personal information will be necessarily disclosed for security concerns, fraud monitoring, prevention or prohibition of illegal activities, risk control, compliance and business management.
- (4) Some products or services may be provided by third parties or jointly provided by us and third parties. Therefore, only by sharing your information can we provide the products or services you need.
- (5) If you choose to participate in the marketing activities jointly carried out by us and third parties, we may share with them the information generated during the activity and the information necessary to complete the event, so that the third party can deliver gifts to you or provide you with services in a timely manner. We will clearly inform you on the activity page or through other channels of the information required by third parties and if required, obtain your consent in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations.
- (6) With your explicit consent in advance, we will share your information with third parties to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations and without violating public order and social norms.
3.3 Data Used for Realizing Functions or Services
a. Location Services: When you use location-related services, location service providers (e.g. Sensors Data, Aurora Mobile) may use your GPS and device information through SDKs or related technologies so as to give you location-based results. Location data are sensitive personal information, and refusal to provide it will only affect the Location Services, but will not affect the normal access of other functions.
b. Push Notifications: For some of our apps and services, in order to adapt the message push function to your devices, manufacturers (Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, VIVO, etc.) may require your device model, version and related device information through SDKs and other technologies.
3.4 Transfer
As our business continues to develop, we may carry out mergers, acquisitions, and asset transfers, and your personal information may be transferred as well. In the event of the aforementioned changes, we will continue to protect or require the new receiving party of personal information to continue to protect your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations and the security standards not lower than that required by this Privacy Policy, otherwise we will require the new receiving party to re-obtain your authorization for your personal information access permission.
3.5 Global Transfer of Personal Information
In principle, the personal information collected and generated by CICC within Singapore will be stored in Singapore, the People’s Republic of China and/or the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
CICC may provide products or services through resources and servers across the globe, which means that after obtaining your authorization and consent, your personal information may be transferred outside the jurisdictions of the country/region where you use the products or services, or subject to access from those jurisdictions.
Such jurisdiction areas may have different data protection laws or even no relevant laws. CICC will ensure that your personal information is adequately and equally protected in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
3.6 Public Disclosure
We will not disclose your information unless required by national laws and regulations or we have obtained your consent to do so. If it is necessary to disclose your information, we will adopt appropriate security protection measures when disclosing your personal information.
3.7 Entrusted Circumstances
You agree and consent to us entrusting the processing of your personal information to third parties. For cases where the processing of personal information is entrusted, we will sign relevant agreements with the entrusted partners in accordance with the law.
4. How we store personal information
4.1 Location
In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, your personal information collected and generated during domestic operations will be stored in Singapore, the People’s Republic of China and/or the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.
4.2 Storage Period
4.2.1 When you are using our apps and services, we will continue to store your personal information, and the storage period will not exceed the period necessary to provide you with our services. If we stop providing our apps and services, and if we no longer require your personal information for any legal or business purpose, we will delete or anonymize your personal information in accordance with applicable laws. After you stop using our apps and services or cancel the authorization for relevant permissions, we will delete or anonymize your information, except in the following cases:
a. Comply with the requirements of applicable laws, regulations and regulatory provisions on information storage.
b. Reasonable extension of the storage period that is required for financial, auditing, dispute resolution and other business or legal reasons.
4.2.2 If you are an authorized corporate user, we will handle the data controlled by the corporation according to the customer’s instructions. If you have questions about the relevant content or claim related personal information interests and rights, please contact the customer or the corporate customer administrator for more details.
5. How We Ensure Personal Information Security
5.1 We take security of your personal information very seriously. We have established a data security system and implemented reasonable technical security measures to prevent unauthorized access to and modification of your personal information so as to protect personal information from misuse or accidental, unlawful or unauthorised damage, loss, alteration, disclosure, acquisition or access. Our network services employ encryption technologies such as transport layer security protocols to ensure security of your data during network transmission. CICC will take appropriate technical measures to ensure that you can access, update and correct the reserved information or other personal information you have provided when using CICC’s services.
5.2 We use strict data processing access controls to prevent unauthorized use of data. We employ encryption technology, which is widely used in the industry, to store your personal information encrypted and isolated by data isolation technology.These technical measures and organizational management methods are always implemented and may be revised from time to time to improve the overall security of the system.
5.3 Although the above reasonable and effective measures have been taken and the standards required by the relevant legal provisions have been complied with, please understand that due to the limitations of technology and the possibility of various malicious means, it is not always possible to guarantee 100% information security, even with all efforts to strengthen security, but we will do our best to ensure the security of personal information provided to us. Please be aware and understand that the systems and communication networks you use to access our services may experience problems due to factors beyond our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take proactive measures to protect your personal information, including but not limited to using complex passwords, changing your password regularly, and not disclosing your account password and other personal information to others. If you find that your personal information has been compromised, especially your account number and password, please contact us immediately through the contact information set out in this Privacy Policy so that we can take appropriate counter measures.
5.4 In the event of an incident that jeopardizes cyber security, we will take appropriate measures in a timely manner in accordance with the cyber security contingency plan.
5.5 After we encountered a personal information security incident in which your personal information is unfortunately leaked, illegally provided or misused, we will inform you in a timely manner if required by applicable laws and regulations: the incident situation and the possible impact, the response measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions for you to independently prevent and reduce the risk, the fix plan for you, etc. In such situation, we will inform you of the incident-related situation through notification, and if it is difficult to inform the related parties one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective approach to publish an announcement on such matter. At the same time, we will also report the result of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.
5.6 Once you browse or use other websites, services and content resources, we will not have the ability and direct obligation to protect any personal information you submit in the course of using third party products, whether or not your login, browsing or use of the above-mentioned software or website is based on a link or portal contained in our apps and services. When you visit web pages created by third parties or use applications developed by third parties, those third parties may place their own Cookies or pixel tags that are not controlled by CICC and not governed by this Privacy Policy. Please contact them directly for details of their privacy policies. If you find that these third-party-created web pages or third-party-developed applications have potential risks, it is strongly recommended that you terminate the relevant operations to protect your legitimate rights and interests.
6. Manage Your Personal Information
We take the management of your personal information very seriously and make every effort to protect your rights to access, copy, modify, delete, withdraw consent authorization, and cancel your account with respect to your personal information so that you are able to safeguard your privacy and information.
6.1 View Privacy Policy
You can view the entire contents of this Privacy Policy on the App after logging in to your account. Please be aware that the features of the service described in this Privacy Policy may vary depending on your account privileges, device model, system version, software application version, among other factors. The final products and services are subject to the software and related services you use.
6.2 Change or Withdraw Your Authorization
6.2.1 You can turn off the relevant permission in the device's own settings, in order to change or withdraw your authorization. If you withdraw your authorization, we will no longer collect information related to this permission.
6.2.2 After you start using the products and services in CICC, you may withdraw your authorization in those products and services. At the same time you can send a request to withdraw your consent to the Privacy Policy by email to FICC_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com. In general, we will verify and process the request within 15 working days after receiving it. The feedback will also be sent by email.
6.2.3 Specific functions and services will require your information in order to be completed. When you withdraw your consent or authorization, we will no longer be able to provide you with the functions and services for which you have withdrawn your consent or authorization and will no longer process your personal data accordingly. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the processing of your personal data that we have previously carried out on the basis of your authorization.
6.3 Check and Correct Your Account Information
You can check and change your name and work information directly in the App.
Please note that for security and identification concerns, you may not be able to change some of the initial registration information submitted during registration on your own. If you do need to change such registration information, please contact us through the methods in the contact details in this Privacy Policy.
6.4 Check, Correct and Delete other Information
You can adjust the service in line with your needs and the specific products and features we offer in the corresponding function page (e.g. you can cancel a booking reminder in the “Live Streaming – Booking”).
6.5 Account Cancellation
6.5.1 You can cancel a registered account by sending an account cancellation request to FICC_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com. The information which you used to register the account which you wish to now cancel should be provided in the email. In general, we will verify and process the request within 15 working days after receiving it. The feedback will also be sent by email.
6.5.2 Before cancelling your account, we may ask you to verify your identity in order to protect your account. Please be aware and understand that the act of account cancellation is irreversible, and after your account is canceled, we will delete or anonymize your information, except as otherwise required by laws and regulations or as otherwise asked by the customer regarding the data use. When you delete information from the services of CICC, CICC may not immediately delete the corresponding information in the backup system, but will delete the information when the backup is updated.
6.6 Discontinuation of Operation and Announcement
If we discontinue the operation of our apps and services, we will promptly stop collecting your personal information, inform you of the operation offline by individual notification or announcement, and delete or anonymize your personal information which we possess.
In addition to the above, if you or other entitled subjects have any claims, requests or questions regarding the exercise of personal information rights granted by relevant laws and regulations, you may contact us by sending an email to the address stated in this Privacy Policy, and we will review the issues involved as soon as possible.
7. Underage Users Clause
7.1 If you are a minor under 18, you should jointly read and agree to this Privacy Policy under the supervision and guidance of your parents or other guardian before using this application.
7.2 In cases where personal information of minors is collected with parental consent, CICC will only use or publicly disclose the information as permitted by law, with the explicit consent of their parents or guardians, and in accordance with the other terms set out under this Privacy Policy.
7.3 If CICC finds out that the personal information is collected from minors without prior verifiable parental consent, we will seek to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.
7.4 If you are the guardian of a minor, please contact us through the contact information in this Privacy Policy if you have questions about the personal information of the underage user in your custody.
8. Notice on Privacy Policy Revisions
This Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time by CICC based on changes in business functions, usage rules, contact information, storage location, or legal and regulatory requirements. If there’s any change to this Privacy Policy, CICC will notify you by means of a push notification or issue an announcement in the App or webpage (as the case may be). If you do not agree with the changes, you may stop using the relevant services. If you continue to use the CICC services after the revision of this Privacy Policy is made, it is taken that you have fully read, understood and accepted the revised Privacy Policy and are willing to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.
9. Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or any related complaints or comments, please send an email to our Data Protection Officer at CICC_SG_PDPA@cicc.com.cn. After receiving your email, we will handle them timely and properly. Generally, we will send you our reply within 15 working days.
Appendix I: Checklist of CICC Service Personal Information Collection
We may automatically collect the following personal information that you voluntarily provide when you are using functions or receiving services.
Scenarios for collecting personal information | Personal information that may be collected | |
Account-related | Sign-up, log-in | Alias |
Username | ||
Password | ||
Phone number | ||
Email address | ||
Name | ||
Institution name | ||
Department name | ||
Business line / unit | ||
Job title | ||
Password reset | Phone number | |
Search | Search results | User’s keyword search history / information on the app |
User’s search log / records on the app | ||
Operations and security assurance | Device information and log information | Hardware models and settings |
Operating system version number and settings | ||
Device name | ||
Device configuration | ||
International Mobile Equipment Identity | ||
UDID (Unique Device Identifier) (e.g. IMEI, AndroidID, OAID, IMSI, ICCID, GAID, MEID, specific name varies depending on software and hardware version) | ||
Media Access Control Address (MAC address) | ||
IP address | ||
WLAN access point (e.g. SSID, BSSID) | ||
Base station | ||
Software version number | ||
Network access method | ||
Network access type and status | ||
Network quality data | ||
Location data | ||
Operation, usage and service logs | ||
Computer system (e.g. Windows or Mac) | ||
Browser and version | ||
Screen resolution | ||
Application information | Software installation list or running process information, overall application operation, usage and frequency, application crashes, overall installation usage, performance data | |
Application source |
Appendix II: Checklist of CICC Service Sensitive Personal Information Collection
I. Principles
Principle of security and prudence: Due to the special protection for sensitive personal information, we will only request the processing of sensitive personal information and take appropriate security measures when required by laws or regulations and when necessary in order to provide the relevant functions.
Principle of right to know and decision-making: We will take reasonable efforts to inform you of the purpose, method and scope of the processing of sensitive personal information and the result of refusal through this Privacy Policy and immediate notification (including pop-ups, masks, notifications, etc.) to protect your right to know and right to decide.
II. Purpose, Method, Scope and Necessity of Handling
1. Certification Information
When you use the sign-up, account retrieval/password reset and other functions that require authentication or related services, we may collect your identity information (name, email, phone number, organization, department, job title, etc.) to complete the functions in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. If the information constitutes sensitive personal information, you may refuse to provide it. If you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to get access to the relevant services, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions and services.
2. Precise geolocation information
We only request to collect precise geolocation data when you use features that require precise geolocation information, which is used in the three-party SDK, and we may ask you to authorize geolocation permissions and, with your separate consent, we may collect precise geolocation information in relation to these services for the purpose of displaying location information to you or helping you to realize these functions. Precise geolocation information is sensitive personal information and if you refuse to provide it, we will not be able to offer you these features, but it will not affect your access to other functions.
3. Others
When you choose to participate in relevant marketing campaigns run by us and our partners, we and our partners may need to use information such as your name, postal address and contact details in order to ensure that you receive a consistent experience in our joint campaigns, or to entrust our partners to redeem rewards to you in a timely manner. If the information constitutes sensitive personal information, you may refuse to provide it. Such refusal may affect your participation in relevant activities, but will not affect your access to other functions.
Appendix III: Permission Application and Usage Description
- Version number: Android 1.0.8,iOS 1.0.8, and newer versions
- We may apply for or use the relevant permissions of the operating system to ensure the functionality of CICC App and for the purpose of safe and stable operation.
- To protect your right to know, we put the relevant operating system permissions that the product may apply for and use in the following list, and you can manage the relevant permissions according to actual needs.
- In light of the upgrade of the product, the types and purposes of application and use of the permissions may change. We will adjust the list in accordance with these changes in time to ensure that you are informed of the application and use of the permission in a timely manner.
- Please be aware that we may also use third-party SDKs for the functional and security requirements of our business and products, and these third parties may also apply for or use the relevant operating system permissions.
Android App Permission List
Permission | Function Description | Scenario or Purpose |
iOS App Permission List
Permission | Function Description | Scenario or Purpose |
Appendix IV: Third-Party SDKs
- In order to ensure the implementation of the relevant functions and the safe and stable operation of CICC, we may access the SDKs provided by third parties and affiliates for the relevant purposes. You consent to your personal information being collected and/or used by these SDKs for the purposes set out below.
- The SDKs from which the information is obtained is strictly monitored for data security. Your information collected through third parties resides on CICC's own servers and will not be shared with third party partners.
- The connected SDKs are listed below.
- Please note that third-party SDKs may have some changes in data processing types due to their version upgrades, strategy adjustments, etc. Please refer to their official instructions as published in the public domain.
Connected SDKs List
Android Connected Third-party SDKs List
SDK | Purpose | Type of data collected | Official website |
iOS Connected Third-party SDKs List
SDK | Purpose | Type of data collected | Official website |
Privacy Policy for Online Applications
Update On: July 5, 2023
Effective On: July 14, 2023
Dear users,
China International Capital Corporation Limited as an operator of CICC products and services and China International Capital Corporation (Japan) Limited as a facilitator of users' registration process of the CICC services and online applications (hereinafter referred to as "CICC" or "we", "our", "us"), , are fully aware of the importance of personal information to you, and we will follow laws and regulations to protect your personal information and privacy. This Privacy Policy is related to the CICC services and online applications (as available on App stores and web browsers) (“apps”) that you may use. Where applicable, the Schedule appended hereto shall form part of this Privacy Policy, and any reference to “this Privacy Policy” herein shall also include such Schedule. We have strived to express this Privacy Policy with easy-to-understand and concise words, and have marked in bold the clauses in this Privacy Policy that are materially related to your rights and interests. Please pay attention. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, and only use the services and apps provided by CICC after you fully understand and agree with the information contained herein. If you click or check "Agree" and submit, you agree to the collection, storage, usage, sharing and processing of your relevant information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We have developed this Privacy Policy and would like to remind you of the following to help you make appropriate choices:
- When you use or enable our apps and services, we will collect and use your personal information for the realization of certain functions, to perform services or for management purposes. For details of the types of personal information which will be collected, please refer to Appendix I: Checklist of CICC Service Personal Information Collection.。
- Furthermore, in order to achieve business functions or as required by laws and regulations, we will collect and use your sensitive personal information when you use specific functions or services. For details of the types of sensitive personal information which will be collected and the purposes of such collection, please refer to Appendix II: Checklist of CICC Service Sensitive Personal Information Collection.。
- For some of our apps and services, contacts, precise geographic location, camera, microphone, photo album (save-in), calendar permissions will not be enabled by default, and will only be used for specific functions or services with your express authorization. You can also withdraw the authorization at any time. It is important to point out that even if we have obtained these sensitive permissions with your authorization, we will not use them unless required by the relevant functions or services. For details, please refer to Appendix III: Permission Application and Usage Description.
For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, references to “personal information” include “personal data” as defined under the Personal Information Protection Law of China and Act on the Protection of Personal Information in Japan.
The following will help you learn more about how we collect, use, store, share and protect your personal information, and help you understand how to check, copy, delete, correct, and withdraw authorized personal information.
1. How and Why We Collect and Use Your Personal Information
In order to provide you and other customers with our apps and services, maintain the normal and safe operation of our apps and services, and optimize the functional experience of our apps and services, you agree and consent to CICC and a partner SDKs (Appendix IV: Partner SDKs) collecting and using the information you actively provide or authorize to provide when registering and using our apps and services as well as the personal information generated during your use of our apps and services in accordance with the following purposes and methods:
1.1 Registration, Login, Authentication
1.1.1 Registration and Login
a. When you register and log in to our apps and services, you need to create an account using the necessary information, and you can complete the relevant online identification information(name, email, work information, password, etc.). The information is collected to help you complete your registration to use our apps and services. If you refuse to provide the information for registration and login, we may not be able to offer you the service you seek from us.
b. When logging in to this service, you need to provide your mobile phone number and password. Additionally, you may use verification methods such as fingerprints, facial recognition, and SMS verification codes to confirm your identity. To provide a more secure and convenient login experience, if your device and the FICC APP version both support fingerprint or face recognition functions, you can choose to enable it in FICC APP and sign in by completing fingerprint or face verification on your device. It is important to note that we only receive the verification results and do not collect your fingerprint or facial information. If you prefer not to use fingerprints or facial recognition, you can still log in using other methods.
c. Please be aware that our apps and services are intended for qualified institutional investors
In order to provide you with better services, please contact your sales representative in time when your company information, department, email address, phone number and job title change, and we will keep your information in our system up to date. You and/or the company you work for shall bear the legal consequences, risks and responsibilities arising from the failure to notify us of the foregoing matters.
1.1.2 Authentication
When you use the functions or related services in the App that require identity authentication, you may need to provide your real identity information (real name, phone number, company email, company information, department, job title, business card, etc.) to ensure that you are able to use the identity authentication functions. Meanwhile, in order to verify the accuracy and completeness of such information, CICC may check the information you provide with the institutions (government agencies, institutions, and commercial institutions) that legally possess your information. You can refuse to provide such information. If you refuse to provide such information, you may not be able to obtain access to related services, but it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.2 Notification
1.2.1 You know and agree that for your contact information (such as phone number, email address) provided by you during the use of our apps and services, we may send multiple notifications to one or more of these contact addresses during service operation, including activity reminders, identity verification, security verification, user experience research and other notifications. You can refuse to provide your contact information. If you refuse to provide your contact information, you may not be able to obtain access to related services, but it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.2.2 You can freely choose whether to participate in the marketing activities or events held by us. If you choose to participate, you may be required to provide your name, address and other contact information according to the needs of the activity or event. This information is necessary for you to receive event gifts (if applicable). You can refuse to provide such information but we will not be able to deliver the event gift to you.
1.3 News and Audio-visual Content
In order to access audio and video resources including live streaming, etc., you may need to enable the multimedia functions of your device and change your audio and video settings. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
In order to provide you with the Zoom meeting feature embedded in the App, Bluetooth permission is required so that you can use your Bluetooth device as a sound player, and microphone permission is also required so that you can speak in the meeting. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
In order to provide you with continuous video playback services, we need to upgrade the App to a foreground service to prevent the App from being killed by the system, thereby providing continuous video playback. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.4 Copy and Share
In order for you to copy and share information, we need to access your clipboard and read the text, links and other content contained within so as to realize functions or services such as page-jumping or switching, copying, and sharing. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
When you share information, we need to check the Apps installed on your phone to share the information with the Apps you want to share. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.5 Feedback
1.5.1 During the use of our apps and services, you can give your feedback on the problems encountered and service experience in order to help us better understand your experience and needs when using our products or services. While helping you solve problems that you encountered during your use of our apps and services, this will help us improve our products and services as well, so we will collect your contact information, feedback questions or suggestions, your correspondence/call records with us and other related content (including account information, the information you provide to prove relevant facts, or other contact information you have submitted or provided to us), so that we can further get in touch with you and keep you up to date about your feedback processing.
1.5.2 For some of our apps and services, when you use the feedback function, if you want to send pictures, you need to authorize permissions to access the photo library and the camera to take pictures. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.6 Event Reminder
In order for us to remind you of live-streaming events or for you to participate in relevant activities, you need to authorize the calendar permission to so that the event information will be added into the calendar function on your device. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.7 Browse History
In order to provide you with personalized and accurate services to improve your experience in using our products and services, we will collect your browsing, searching and forwarding records and conduct reasonable analysis based on your information. You can refuse to provide such information. If you refuse to provide such information, you may not be able to get access to related services, but it will not affect your use of our other services. At the same time you can send a request to check your personal browsing, searching and forwarding records by email to FICC_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com. In general, we will verify and process the request within 15 working days after receiving it. The feedback will also be sent by email.
1.8 Teleconference
For some of our apps and services, phone call access is required in order for us to allow you to contact a customer manager or attend a teleconference. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.9 Push Notifications
For some of our apps and services, when you want to receive the push notifications sent to you by CICC in a timely manner, you need to enable the notification function, and for Android users, you also need to authorize the permission to start-up launching, notification management and vibration control. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
1.10 Changes in the Purpose of Collecting, Using, Disclosing and/or Processing Personal Information
Please be aware that with the development of our business, there may be adjustments and changes to the functions and services provided by CICC. In principle, when the new functions or services are related to the functions or services we currently provide, the personal information collected and used will be directly or reasonably related to the original purposes. In scenarios that personal information is collected, used, disclosed and/or processed for new purposes which are not directly or reasonably related to the original purposes, we will inform you of such change in reasonable ways such as by page prompts and other interactive processes, and obtain your consent for such changes in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations.
1.11 Safe Operation
1.11.1 Operation and Security
We are committed to providing you with safe and reliable products and experiences, and it is our core goal to present you with high-quality and reliable services and information. In order to maintain the smooth operation of our services and protect the legitimate rights and interests of you or other users or the general public from loss, we will collect the necessary information set out at 1.11.2 below to maintain the safe and stable operation of our products or services.
1.11.2 Device and Log Information
- a. In order to ensure the safe operation, quality and efficiency of our software and services, we will collect the following information from you: hardware model, operating system version, device identifiers (such as IMEI, AndroidID, OAID, IMSI, ICCID, GAID, MEID, different identifiers will vary in terms of validity period, whether they can be reset by the user, and how to obtain them), software installation list, MAC address, IP address, WLAN access (eg. SSID, BSSID), base station, software version number, network access method, type, status, network quality data, operation, usage, service log, computer system (Windows or Mac), browser and version, screen resolution.
- b. For some of our apps and services, in order to prevent malwares and ensure operational quality and efficiency, we will collect installed application information or information of the running process, overall application operation, usage and frequency, application crashes, overall installation usage, performance data and application sources.
- c. We may use your account information, device information, service log information, and information provided by our associated parties and partners with your authorization or in accordance with the law to check account and transaction security, perform identity verification, and identify violations of laws and regulations, detect and prevent security incidents, and take necessary recording, analysis, and handling measures in line with the law.
1.12 Others
For some of our apps and services, if you want to keep the screen on when using an App, you need to authorize permission to prevent the device from sleeping. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, it will not affect your use of our other services.
In order to provide you with stable network connection and continuous services, you need to authorize permission to network functions, complete network access, network links, network link changes, WLAN status, and WLAN status changes.
2. How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies
2.1 We use operating system APIs, Cookies and other similar technologies to give you better experience of using our apps and services. When you use such apps and services, we may use related technologies to send one or more Cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device to collect and store the data when you visit and use such apps and services. We promise not to use Cookies for any purpose other than those described in this Privacy Policy. We use Cookies and similar technologies mainly to achieve the following functions or services:
- a. To make sure the safe and efficient operation of products and services: We may set Cookies or anonymous identifiers for authentication and security, so that we can confirm whether you are safely logging in to the service, or whether you have encountered account theft, fraud or other illegal activities. These technologies will also help us improve service efficiency and shorten the time for login and App response.
- b. To make sure you have an easier visit experience: Using such technologies could streamline the repetitive operations such as filling in your personal information and logging in repeatedly.
3. How We Disclose Personal Information to the Public
3.1 Principles
3.1.1 Principle of legality: During cooperation with our partner, data usage activities must have a legitimate purpose and comply with the legal basis of law. If the use of information by the partner no longer conforms to the principle of legality, it should stop using your personal information, or use it after obtaining the corresponding legal approval.
3.1.2 The principle of legitimacy and necessity: The use of data must have a legitimate purpose and should only be necessary to achieve the purpose.
3.1.3 The principle of security and prudence: If required by applicable laws, we will carefully evaluate the purpose of data usage by our partners, and will use commercially reasonable efforts to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the security assurance of these partners as well as require them to follow the legal agreement of cooperation. If required by applicable laws, we will also use commercially reasonable efforts to conduct security monitoring on the Software Development Kits (“SDKs”) and Application Programming Interfaces (“APIs”) used by our partners to obtain information so as to ensure data security. For more information about SDKs, please refer to Appendix IV: PartnerSDKs.
In this Section 3, “third parties” include our associated parties, cooperative financial institutions and other partners, and the term “third party” shall be construed accordingly.
3.2 Sharing
We promise to keep your personal information strictly confidential. Unless otherwise stipulated by laws, regulations and regulatory authorities, we do not share your personal information with third parties except a partner SDKs.
- (1) In accordance with applicable laws and regulations and by following the effective legal documents of the court or mandatory administrative or judicial requirements as well as other legal procedures, customer information will be disclosed to the relevant government agencies, judicial agencies, regulatory agencies, self-regulatory organizations, or any institution or individual who needs to receive customer information as required by the aforementioned institutions or applicable laws and regulations.
- (2) To the extent permitted by applicable laws, regulations and regulatory provisions, the personal information will be necessarily disclosed in order to safeguard social and public interests, or to protect personal and property safety or legitimate interests and rights of CICC and customers of CICC, or its associated parties, partners, other users or employees.
- (3) To the extent permitted by applicable laws, regulations and regulatory provisions, the personal information will be necessarily disclosed for security concerns, fraud monitoring, prevention or prohibition of illegal activities, risk control, compliance and business management.
- (4) Some products or services may be provided by third parties or jointly provided by us and third parties. We will clearly inform you in advance and obtain your consent in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations, as necessary if it is necessary to share your information to provide the products or services you need.
- (5) If you choose to participate in the marketing activities jointly carried out by us and third parties, we may share with them the information generated during the activity and the information necessary to complete the event, so that the third party can deliver gifts to you or provide you with services in a timely manner. We will clearly inform you on the activity page or through other channels of the information required by third parties and obtain your consent in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations.
- (6) With your explicit consent in advance, we will share your information with third parties to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations and without violating public order and social norms.
3.3 Data Used for Realizing Functions or Services
a. Location Services: When you use location-related services, location service providers (e.g. Sensors Data, Aurora Mobile) may use your GPS and device information through SDKs or related technologies so as to give you location-based results. Location data are sensitive personal information, and refusal to provide it will only affect the Location Services, but will not affect the normal access of other functions.
b. Push Notifications: For some of our apps and services, in order to adapt the message push function to your devices, manufacturers (Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, VIVO, etc.) may require your device model, version and related device information through SDKs and other technologies.
3.4 Transfer
As our business continues to develop, we may carry out mergers, acquisitions, and asset transfers, and your personal information may be transferred as well. In the event of the aforementioned changes, we will continue to protect or require the new receiving party of personal information to continue to protect your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations and the security standards not lower than that required by this Privacy Policy, otherwise we will require the new receiving party to re-obtain your authorization for your personal information access permission.
3.5 Global Transfer of Personal Information
In principle, the personal information collected and generated by CICC within China will be stored in China, the People’s Republic of China and/or the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
CICC may provide products or services through resources and servers across the globe, which means that after obtaining your authorization and consent, your personal information may be transferred outside the jurisdictions of the country/region where you use the products or services, or subject to access from those jurisdictions.
Such jurisdiction areas may have different data protection laws or even no relevant laws. CICC will ensure that your personal information is adequately and equally protected in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
3.6 Public Disclosure
We will not disclose your information unless required by national laws and regulations or we have obtained your consent to do so. If it is necessary to disclose your information, we will adopt appropriate security protection measures when disclosing your personal information.
3.7 Entrusted Circumstances
You agree and consent to us entrusting the processing of your personal information to third parties. For cases where the processing of personal information is entrusted, we will sign relevant agreements with the entrusted partners in accordance with the law.
4. How we store personal information
4.1 Location
In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, your personal information collected and generated during domestic operations will be stored in China, the People’s Republic of China and/or the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
4.2 Storage Period
4.2.1 When you are using our apps and services, we will continue to store your personal information, and the storage period will not exceed the period necessary to provide you with our services. If we stop providing our apps and services, and if we no longer require your personal information for any legal or business purpose, we will delete or anonymize your personal information in accordance with applicable laws. After you stop using our apps and services or cancel the authorization for relevant permissions, we will delete or anonymize your information, except in the following cases:
a. Comply with the requirements of applicable laws, regulations and regulatory provisions on information storage.
b. Reasonable extension of the storage period that is required for financial, auditing, dispute resolution and other business or legal reasons.
4.2.2 If you are an authorized corporate user, we will handle the data controlled by the corporation according to the customer’s instructions. If you have questions about the relevant content or claim related personal information interests and rights, please contact the customer or the corporate customer administrator for more details.
5. How We Ensure Personal Information Security
5.1 We take security of your personal information very seriously. We have established a data security system and implemented reasonable technical security measures to prevent unauthorized access to and modification of your personal information so as to protect personal information from misuse or accidental, unlawful or unauthorised damage, loss, alteration, disclosure, acquisition or access. Our network services employ encryption technologies such as transport layer security protocols to ensure security of your data during network transmission. CICC will take appropriate technical measures to ensure that you can access, update and correct the reserved information or other personal information you have provided when using CICC’s services.
5.2 We use strict data processing access controls to prevent unauthorized use of data. We employ encryption technology, which is widely used in the industry, to store your personal information encrypted and isolated by data isolation technology.These technical measures and organizational management methods are always implemented and may be revised from time to time to improve the overall security of the system.
5.3 Although the above reasonable and effective measures have been taken and the standards required by the relevant legal provisions have been complied with, please understand that due to the limitations of technology and the possibility of various malicious means, it is not always possible to guarantee 100% information security, even with all efforts to strengthen security, but we will do our best to ensure the security of personal information provided to us. Please be aware and understand that the systems and communication networks you use to access our services may experience problems due to factors beyond our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take proactive measures to protect your personal information, including but not limited to using complex passwords, changing your password regularly, and not disclosing your account password and other personal information to others. If you find that your personal information has been compromised, especially your account number and password, please contact us immediately through the contact information set out in this Privacy Policy so that we can take appropriate counter measures.
5.4 In the event of an incident that jeopardizes cyber security, we will take appropriate measures in a timely manner in accordance with the cyber security contingency plan.
5.5 After we encountered a personal information security incident in which your personal information is unfortunately leaked, illegally provided or misused, we will inform you in a timely manner if required by applicable laws and regulations: the incident situation and the possible impact, the response measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions for you to independently prevent and reduce the risk, the fix plan for you, etc. In such situation, we will inform you of the incident-related situation through notification, and if it is difficult to inform the related parties one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective approach to publish an announcement on such matter. At the same time, we will also report the result of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.
5.6 Once you browse or use other websites, services and content resources, we will not have the ability and direct obligation to protect any personal information you submit in the course of using third party products, whether or not your login, browsing or use of the above-mentioned software or website is based on a link or portal contained in our apps and services. When you visit web pages created by third parties or use applications developed by third parties, those third parties may place their own Cookies or pixel tags that are not controlled by CICC and not governed by this Privacy Policy. Please contact them directly for details of their privacy policies. If you find that these third-party-created web pages or third-party-developed applications have potential risks, it is strongly recommended that you terminate the relevant operations to protect your legitimate rights and interests.
6. Manage Your Personal Information
We take the management of your personal information very seriously and make every effort to protect your rights to access, copy, modify, delete, withdraw consent authorization, and cancel your account with respect to your personal information so that you are able to safeguard your privacy and information.
6.1 View Privacy Policy
You can view the entire contents of this Privacy Policy on the App after logging in to your account. Please be aware that the features of the service described in this Privacy Policy may vary depending on your account privileges, device model, system version, software application version, among other factors. The final products and services are subject to the software and related services you use.
6.2 Change or Withdraw Your Authorization
6.2.1 You can turn off the relevant permission in the device's own settings, in order to change or withdraw your authorization. If you withdraw your authorization, we will no longer collect information related to this permission.
6.2.2 After you start using the products and services in CICC, you may withdraw your authorization in those products and services. At the same time you can send a request to withdraw your consent to the Privacy Policy by email to FICC_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com. In general, we will verify and process the request within 15 working days after receiving it. The feedback will also be sent by email.
6.2.3 Specific functions and services will require your information in order to be completed. When you withdraw your consent or authorization, we will no longer be able to provide you with the functions and services for which you have withdrawn your consent or authorization and will no longer process your personal data accordingly. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the processing of your personal data that we have previously carried out on the basis of your authorization.
6.3 Check and Correct Your Account Information
You can check and change your name and work information directly in the App.
Please note that for security and identification concerns, you may not be able to change some of the initial registration information submitted during registration on your own. If you do need to change such registration information, please contact us through the methods in the contact details in this Privacy Policy.
6.4 Check, Correct and Delete other Information
You can adjust the service in line with your needs and the specific products and features we offer in the corresponding function page (e.g. you can cancel a booking reminder in the “Live Streaming – Booking”).
6.5 Account Cancellation
6.5.1 You can cancel a registered account by sending an account cancellation request to FICC_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com. The information which you used to register the account which you wish to now cancel should be provided in the email. In general, we will verify and process the request within 15 working days after receiving it. The feedback will also be sent by email.
6.5.2 Before cancelling your account, we may ask you to verify your identity in order to protect your account. Please be aware and understand that the act of account cancellation is irreversible, and after your account is canceled, we will delete or anonymize your information, except as otherwise required by laws and regulations or as otherwise asked by the customer regarding the data use. When you delete information from the services of CICC, CICC may not immediately delete the corresponding information in the backup system, but will delete the information when the backup is updated.
6.6 Discontinuation of Operation and Announcement
If we discontinue the operation of our apps and services, we will promptly stop collecting your personal information, inform you of the operation offline by individual notification or announcement, and delete or anonymize your personal information which we possess.
In addition to the above, if you or other entitled subjects have any claims, requests or questions regarding the exercise of personal information rights granted by relevant laws and regulations, you may contact us by sending an email to the address stated in this Privacy Policy, and we will review the issues involved as soon as possible.
7. Underage Users Clause
7.1 If you are a minor under 18, you should jointly read and agree to this Privacy Policy under the supervision and guidance of your parents or other guardian before using this application.
7.2 In cases where personal information of minors is collected with parental consent, CICC will only use or publicly disclose the information as permitted by law, with the explicit consent of their parents or guardians, and in accordance with the other terms set out under this Privacy Policy.
7.3 If CICC finds out that the personal information is collected from minors without prior verifiable parental consent, we will seek to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.
7.4 If you are the guardian of a minor, please contact us through the contact information in this Privacy Policy if you have questions about the personal information of the underage user in your custody.
8. Notice on Privacy Policy Revisions
This Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time by CICC based on changes in business functions, usage rules, contact information, storage location, or legal and regulatory requirements. If there’s any change to this Privacy Policy, CICC will notify you by means of a push notification or issue an announcement in the App or webpage (as the case may be). If you do not agree with the changes, you may stop using the relevant services. If you continue to use the CICC services after the revision of this Privacy Policy is made, it is taken that you have fully read, understood and accepted the revised Privacy Policy and are willing to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.
9. Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or any related complaints or comments, please send an email to FICC_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com . After receiving your email, we will handle them timely and properly. Generally, we will send you our reply within 15 working days.
Appendix I: Checklist of CICC Service Personal Information Collection
We may automatically collect the following personal information that you voluntarily provide when you are using functions or receiving services.
Scenarios for collecting personal information | Personal information that may be collected | |
Account-related | Sign-up, log-in | Alias |
Username | ||
Password | ||
Phone number | ||
Email address | ||
Name | ||
Institution name | ||
Department name | ||
Business line / unit | ||
Job title | ||
Password reset | Phone number | |
Search | Search results | User’s keyword search history / information on the app |
User’s search log / records on the app | ||
Operations and security assurance | Device information and log information | Hardware models and settings |
Operating system version number and settings | ||
Device name | ||
Device configuration | ||
International Mobile Equipment Identity | ||
UDID (Unique Device Identifier) (e.g. IMEI, AndroidID, OAID, IMSI, ICCID, GAID, MEID, specific name varies depending on software and hardware version) | ||
Media Access Control Address (MAC address) | ||
IP address | ||
WLAN access point (e.g. SSID, BSSID) | ||
Base station | ||
Software version number | ||
Network access method | ||
Network access type and status | ||
Network quality data | ||
Location data | ||
Operation, usage and service logs | ||
Computer system (e.g. Windows or Mac) | ||
Browser and version | ||
Screen resolution | ||
Application information | Software installation list or running process information, overall application operation, usage and frequency, application crashes, overall installation usage, performance data | |
Application source |
Appendix II: Checklist of CICC Service Sensitive Personal Information Collection
I. Principles
Principle of security and prudence: Due to the special protection for sensitive personal information, we will only request the processing of sensitive personal information and take appropriate security measures when required by laws or regulations and when necessary in order to provide the relevant functions.
Principle of right to know and decision-making: We will take reasonable efforts to inform you of the purpose, method and scope of the processing of sensitive personal information and the result of refusal through this Privacy Policy and immediate notification (including pop-ups, masks, notifications, etc.) to protect your right to know and right to decide.
II. Purpose, Method, Scope and Necessity of Handling
1. Certification Information
When you use the sign-up, account retrieval/password reset and other functions that require authentication or related services, we may collect your identity information (name, email, phone number, organization, department, job title, etc.) to complete the functions in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. If the information constitutes sensitive personal information, you may refuse to provide it. If you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to get access to the relevant services, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions and services.
2. Precise geolocation information
We only request to collect precise geolocation data when you use features that require precise geolocation information, which is used in the partner SDK, and we may ask you to authorize geolocation permissions and, with your separate consent, we may collect precise geolocation information in relation to these services for the purpose of displaying location information to you or helping you to realize these functions. Precise geolocation information is sensitive personal information and if you refuse to provide it, we will not be able to offer you these features, but it will not affect your access to other functions.
3. Others
When you choose to participate in relevant marketing campaigns run by us and our partner, we and our partner may need to use information such as your name, postal address and contact details in order to ensure that you receive a consistent experience in our joint campaigns, or to entrust our partner to redeem rewards to you in a timely manner. If the information constitutes sensitive personal information, you may refuse to provide it. Such refusal may affect your participation in relevant activities, but will not affect your access to other functions.
Appendix III: Permission Application and Usage Description
- Version number: Android 1.0.8,iOS 1.0.8, and newer versions
- We may apply for or use the relevant permissions of the operating system to ensure the functionality of CICC App and for the purpose of safe and stable operation.
- To protect your right to know, we put the relevant operating system permissions that the product may apply for and use in the following list, and you can manage the relevant permissions according to actual needs.
- In light of the upgrade of the product, the types and purposes of application and use of the permissions may change. We will adjust the list in accordance with these changes in time to ensure that you are informed of the application and use of the permission in a timely manner.
- Please be aware that we may also use a partner SDKs for the functional and security requirements of our business and products, and this partner may also apply for or use the relevant operating system permissions.
Android App Permission List
Permission | Function Description | Scenario or Purpose |
iOS App Permission List
Permission | Function Description | Scenario or Purpose |
Appendix IV: Partner SDKs
- In order to ensure the implementation of the relevant functions and the safe and stable operation of CICC, we may access the SDKs provided by third parties and affiliates for the relevant purposes. You consent to your personal information being collected and/or used by these SDKs for the purposes set out below.
- The SDKs from which the information is obtained is strictly monitored for data security. Your information collected through this partner resides on CICC's own servers and will not be shared with any other third party partners.
- The connected SDKs are listed below.
- Please note that partner SDKs may have some changes in data processing types due to their version upgrades, strategy adjustments, etc. Please refer to their official instructions as published in the public domain.
Connected SDKs List
Android Connected Partner SDKs List
SDK | Purpose | Type of data collected | Official website |
iOS Connected Partner SDKs List
SDK | Purpose | Type of data collected | Official website |
- • 当您使用或开启本服务时,我们会收集、使用您的个人信息以实现相关功能、服务或管理目的。有关收集的具体个人信息类型,参见附录1:中金公司服务个人信息收集清单。
- • 此外,为实现业务功能或根据法律法规要求所必需,我们会在您使用本服务时收集、使用您的敏感个人信息。有关收集的具体个人信息类型及收集目的请见附录2:中金公司服务敏感个人信息收集清单。
- • 针对本服务相关功能,如通讯录、精确定位、摄像头(相机)、麦克风、相册(存储)、日历权限等均不会默认开启,只有经过您的明示授权才会在实现特定功能或服务时使用,您也可以随时撤回授权。特别需要指出的是,即使经过了您的授权,我们获得了这些敏感信息,也仅会在相关功能或服务需要时使用这些信息。详见附录3:应用权限申请与使用情况说明。
1. 我们如何收集和使用您的个人信息
1.1 注册、登录、认证
1.1.1 注册、登录
1.1.2 认证
1.2 消息通知
1.2.1 您知晓并同意,对于您在使用本服务过程中提供的您的联系方式(如联系电话、邮箱地址),我们在运营中可能会向其中的一种或多种方式发送多类通知,用于活动提醒、身份验证、安全验证、用户使用体验调研等用途。您可以拒绝提供联系方式,如果拒绝提供,您可能无法获得相关服务,但并不影响您通过本服务使用我们的其他服务项目。
1.2.2 您可以自由选择是否参加我们举办的营销活动,凡参加此类活动的,我们可能会使用您的相关个人信息。若您选择参与,根据活动需要,可能需要您提供姓名、联系地址、联系方式等信息。为免生疑问,该选择独立于本隐私政策下的相关同意授权,可在不考虑本隐私政策或本服务期限的情况下随时撤回,并将在任何适用的服务合同终止或到期后仍然有效。
1.3 资讯及影音内容
1.4 复制与分享
1.5 意见反馈
1.5.1 在使用本服务过程中,您可以对使用过程中遇到的问题及服务体验进行问题反馈,帮助我们更好地了解您使用本服务的体验和需求。在帮您解决使用本服务过程中的问题的同时,帮助我们改善产品和服务,为此我们会收集您的联系信息、反馈的问题或建议、您与我们的通信/通话记录及相关内容(包括账号信息、您为了证明相关事实提供的其他信息,或您留下或提供的其他联系方式),以便我们进一步联系您,及时向您反馈我们的处理进度。
1.5.2 当您使用意见反馈功能时,如果您需要发送图片,则您需要提供相册访问、摄像头拍照的权限。如果您拒绝提供相关权限,您将无法使用这些功能,但并不影响您通过本服务使用我们的其他服务项目。
1.6 活动提醒
1.7 浏览记录
1.8 电话会议
1.9 消息推送
1.10 房地产投资信托(“REIT”)模型分享功能
1.11 收集、使用、披露和/或处理个人信息目的变更
1.12 安全运行
1.12.1 运营与安全保障
1.12.2 设备信息与日志信息
1.13 其他
2. 我们如何使用Cookie和同类技术
2.1 我们使用操作系统API、Cookie及其他同类技术,以提升您使用本服务的体验。当您访问并使用本服务时,我们可能会使用相关技术向您的设备发送一个或多个Cookie或匿名标识符,以收集和存储您访问、使用本服务时的信息。我们承诺,不会将Cookie用于本隐私政策所述目的之外的任何其他用途。我们使用Cookie和同类技术主要为了实现以下功能或服务:
a.保障本服务的安全、高效运转:我们可能会设置认证与保障安全性的Cookie 或匿名标识符,使我们确认您是否安全登录服务,或者是否遇到账户盗用、欺诈及其他不法行为。这些技术还会帮助我们改进服务效率,提升登录和本服务响应速度;
3. 我们如何披露个人信息
3.1 原则
3.1.1 正当与最小必要原则:数据使用必须具有正当目的,且应以达成目的必要为限。
3.1.2 安全审慎原则:如适用法律法规有规定,我们将审慎评估合作方使用个人信息的目的,尽合理商业努力对这些合作方的安全保障能力进行综合评估,并要求其遵循合作法律协议。如适用法律法规有规定,我们还会尽合理商业努力对合作方获取信息的软件工具开发包(SDK)、应用程序接口(API)进行安全监测,以保护数据安全。SDK目录请参考附录4:第三方SDK目录。
3.2 共享
3.3 为实现功能或服务使用数据
3.4 转移
3.5 个人信息全球转移
3.6 委托处理
4. 我们如何存储个人信息
4.1 存储地点
4.2 存储期限
4.2.1 依照法律法规的规定,我们仅会在为了实现本隐私政策中规定的目的所需的必要期限内保留您的个人信息数据。您在使用本服务期间,我们将持续保存您的个人信息。在您终止使用本服务或关闭相应授权后,我们会对您的信息进行删除或做匿名化处理,但以下情况除外:
4.2.2 若您是企业授权用户,针对企业控制的数据,我们将根据客户指示处理,如您对相关内容有疑问或主张相关的个人信息权益,您可以联系客户或企业客户管理员处理。
5. 我们如何保护个人信息的安全
5.2 我们采用严格的数据处理权限控制,避免数据遭未经授权的使用。我们采用行业广泛应用的加密技术对您的个人信息进行加密保存。我们始终落实该等技术措施和组织管理方式,并可能不时加以修订完善以提升系统的整体安全性。
5.3 尽管已经采取了上述合理有效措施,但请您理解,由于技术的限制以及可能存在的各种恶意手段,即便竭尽所能加强安全措施,也不可能始终保证信息百分之百的安全,但我们将尽力确保您提供给我们的个人信息的安全性。请您知悉并理解,您接入本服务所用的系统和通讯网络,有可能因我们可控范围外的因素而出现问题。因此,我们强烈建议您采取积极措施保护个人信息的安全,包括但不限于使用复杂密码、定期修改密码、不将自己的账号密码等个人信息透露给他人。如果您发现您的个人信息(尤其是您的账户和密码)已被泄露,请立即通过本隐私政策中列出的联系信息与我们取得联系,以便我们采取适当的应对措施。
5.4 在发生危害网络安全的事件时,我们会及时采取相应的补救措施。
5.5 在我们遭遇您的个人信息不幸被泄露、非法提供或滥用等个人信息安全事件后,我们将按照适用法律法规的要求及时向您告知:安全事件的基本情况和可能的影响、我们已采取或将要采取的处置措施、您可自主防范和降低风险的建议、对您的补救措施等。事件相关情况我们将以推送通知的方式告知您,难以逐一告知相关方时,我们会采取合理、有效的方式就之发布公告。同时,我们还将按照监管部门要求,根据适用法律法规上报个人信息安全事件的处置结果。
5.6 您一旦接受跳转页面,浏览或使用其他不受我们控制的网站、服务及内容资源,我们将没有能力和义务保护您在使用该等第三方产品过程中提交的任何个人信息,无论您登录、浏览或使用上述软件、网站是否基于本服务的链接或引导。当您查看第三方创建的网页或使用第三方开发的应用程序时,这些第三方可能会放置他们自己的Cookies或像素标签,这些Cookies或标签不受中金公司的控制,且不受本隐私政策的约束。请您与该等第三方直接联系以获得他们隐私政策的详细情况。如果您发现这些第三方创建的网页或第三方开发的应用程序存在潜在风险,强烈建议您终止相关操作以保护您的合法权益。
6. 管理您的个人信息
6.1 查看隐私政策
6.2 改变或撤回授权范围
6.2.1 您可以通过访问本服务设置界面中的相关权限界面改变授权同意范围或撤回您的授权。撤回授权后我们将不再收集与该权限相关信息。
6.2.2 在您开始使用本服务后,您也可以注销账户。同时您可以发送邮件至FICC_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com申请撤回基于本隐私政策的信息使用同意。通常,我们将在收到申请后的15个工作日内进行核实处理,并以邮件的方式进行反馈。
6.2.3 特定的业务功能和服务将需要您的信息才能得以完成,当您撤回同意或授权后,我们无法继续为您提供撤回同意或授权所对应的功能和服务,也不再处理您相应的个人信息。但您撤回同意或授权的决定,不会影响我们此前基于您的授权而开展的个人信息处理。
6.3 查询、更正账号信息
6.4 查询、更正、删除其他信息
6.5 注销账号
6.5.1 您可以通过邮件发送注销账户申请至FICC_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com。邮件内需提供您当前申请注销的账户的注册信息。通常,我们将在收到申请后的15个工作日内进行核实处理,并以邮件的方式进行反馈。
6.5.2 在您的账号被注销前,我们可能会要求您进行身份验证,以保障账户安全。您知悉并理解,注销账号的行为是不可逆的行为,在您的账号被注销后,我们将删除有关您的相关信息或进行匿名化处理,但法律法规另有规定或根据客户需要就客户使用的数据另行处理的除外。当您从本服务中删除信息后,中金公司可能不会立即在备份系统中删除相应的信息,但会在备份更新时删除这些信息。
6.6 停止运营并向您公告
7. 未成年人条款
7.1 若您是未满18周岁的未成年人,在使用本服务前,应在您的父母或其他监护人监护、指导下共同阅读并接受本隐私政策,并在征得您的父母或其他监护人同意的前提下使用本服务。
7.2 对于经父母同意而收集未满18周岁未成年人个人信息的情况,中金公司只会在经法律允许、父母或监护人明确同意的情况下,根据本隐私政策其他条款使用或公开披露相关信息。
7.3 如果中金公司发现在未事先获得可证实的父母同意的情况下收集了未满18周岁的未成年人的个人信息,则会设法尽快删除相关数据。
7.4 若您是未成年人的监护人,当您对您所监护的未成年人用户的个人信息有相关疑问时,请通过本隐私政策载明的联系方式与我们联系。
8. 隐私政策修订通知
9. 语言
10. 联系我们
收集个人信息的场景 | 可能会收集的个人信息 | |
账号相关 | 注册、登录 | 别名 |
用户名 | ||
密码 | ||
手机号码 | ||
邮箱地址 | ||
姓名 | ||
机构名称 | ||
工作部门名称 | ||
业务线/组 | ||
职级 | ||
密码重置 | 手机号码 | |
搜索 | 搜索结果 | 本服务用户关键字搜索历史/信息 |
本服务用户搜索日志/记录 | ||
分享 | REITs计算器模型分享 | 手机号 |
邮箱 | ||
运营与安全保障 | 设备信息与日志信息 | 硬件型号及设置 |
操作系统版本号及设置 | ||
设备名称 | ||
设备配置 | ||
国际移动设备识别码 | ||
唯一设备标识符(如IMEI、AndroidID、OAID、IMSI、ICCID、GAID、MEID,具体名称因软硬件版本不同而存在差异) | ||
网络设备硬件地址(MAC地址) | ||
IP地址 | ||
基站 | ||
软件版本号 | ||
网络接入方式 | ||
网络接入类型与状态 | ||
网络质量数据 | ||
位置信息 | ||
操作、使用、服务日志 | ||
计算机系统(如Windows或Mac) | ||
浏览器版本 | ||
屏幕分辨率 | ||
应用程序信息 | 软件安装列表或正在运行的进程信息、应用程序总体运行、使用情况与频率、应用崩溃情况、总体安装使用情况、性能数据 | |
应用来源 |
- • 版本号:Android 1.0.8,iOS 1.0.8及以上
- • 为保障本服务功能实现与安全稳定运行之目的,我们可能会申请或使用操作系统的相关权限;
- • 为保障您的知情权,我们通过下列列表将产品可能申请、使用的相关操作系统权限进行展示,您可以根据实际需要对相关权限进行管理;
- • 根据产品的升级,申请、使用权限的类型与目的可能会有变动,我们将及时根据这些变动对列表进行调整,以确保您及时获悉权限的申请与使用情况;
- • 请您知悉,出于业务与产品的功能与安全的需要,我们可能也会使用第三方SDK,这些第三方也可能会申请或使用相关操作系统权限;
权限名称 | 权限功能说明 | 使用场景或目的 |
plist中描述名称 | 权限功能说明 | 使用场景或目的 |
- • 为保障本服务相关功能的实现与中金公司应用安全稳定的运行,我们可能会接入由第三方及关联方提供的软件开发包(SDK)实现相关目的。您同意这些SDK为以下目的收集和/或使用您的个人信息。
- • 我们会对获取信息的软件工具开发包(SDK)进行严格的安全监测,以保护数据安全,通过第三方收集的您的信息存放在中金公司自有服务器上,不会分享给第三方合作方。
- • 我们对接入的相关SDK在以下目录中列明。
- • 请注意,第三方SDK可能因为其版本升级、策略调整等原因导致数据处理类型存在一定变化,请以其公示的官方说明为准。
SDK名称 | 使用目的 | 收集数据类型 | 官网链接 |
SDK名称 | 使用目的 | 收集数据类型 | 官网链接 |
Update On: September 25, 2023
Effective On: October 19, 2023
Dear users,
China International Capital Corporation Limited (hereinafter referred to as "CICC" or "we", "our", "us") is fully aware of the importance of personal information to you, and we will follow laws and regulations to protect your personal information and privacy. This Privacy Policy applies to the CICC FICC application (in both application and web browser versions) (the “App”), operated by us. Where applicable, the Schedule appended hereto shall form part of this Privacy Policy, and any reference to “this Privacy Policy” herein shall also include such Schedule. We have strived to express this Privacy Policy with easy-to-understand and concise words, and have marked in bold the clauses in this Privacy Policy that are materially related to your rights and interests. Please pay attention. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, and only use the App provided by CICC after you fully understand and agree with the information contained herein. If you click or check "Agree" and submit, you agree to the collection, storage, usage, sharing and processing of your relevant information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We have developed this Privacy Policy and would like to remind you of the following to help you make appropriate choices:
- • When you use or enable the App, we will collect and use your personal information for the realization of certain functions, to perform services or for management purposes. For details of the types of personal information which will be collected, please refer to Appendix I: Checklist of CICC Service Personal Information Collection.
- • Furthermore, in order to achieve business functions or as required by laws and regulations, we may collect and use your sensitive personal information when you use the App. For details of the types of sensitive personal information which will be collected and the purposes of such collection, please refer to Appendix II: Checklist of CICC Service Sensitive Personal Information Collection.
- • For some feature on the App, contacts, precise geographic location, camera, microphone, photo album (save-in), calendar permissions will not be enabled by default, and will only be used for specific functions or services with your express authorization. You can also withdraw the authorization at any time. It is important to point out that even if we have obtained these sensitive information with your authorization, we will not use them unless required by the relevant functions or services. For details, please refer to Appendix III: Permission Application and Usage Description.
For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, references to “personal information” include “personal data” as defined under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
The following will help you learn more about how we collect, use, store, share and protect your personal information, and help you understand how to check, copy, delete, correct, and withdraw authorized personal information.
By using the App, you are deemed to have fully read, understood and accepted this Privacy Policy. To the extent that you provide personal information relating to any other person, including officers, directors, staff and employees of any company or business you represent, any partners, agents or other representatives (each a “Related Person”), you agree and acknowledge that you have notified the Related Person of this Privacy Policy and obtained their consents for the use, retention and transfer of their personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy (including any amendments or revisions thereto). You further agree and acknowledge that CICC is not responsible for any loss incurred due to or in relation to the failure of you to obtain such consent from any Related Person.
1. How and Why We Collect and Use Your Personal Information
In order to provide you and other customers with the App, maintain the normal and safe operation of the App, and optimize the functional experience of the App, you agree and consent to CICC, entities within the CICC Group including CICC’s subsidiaries, affiliates, business partners, respective agents, authorized service providers and relevant third parties collecting and using the information you actively provide or authorize to provide when registering and using the App as well as the personal information generated during your use of the App and collected by us in accordance with the following purposes and methods:
1.1 Registration, Login, Authentication
1.1.1 Registration and Login
a. When you register and log in to the App, you need to create an account using the necessary information, and you can complete the relevant online identification information(name, email, work information, password, etc.). The information is collected to help you complete your registration to use the App. If you refuse to provide the information for registration and login, we may not be able to provide you with our service via the App.
b. When logging into this service, you need to provide your mobile phone number and password. Additionally, you may use verification methods such as fingerprints, facial recognition, and SMS verification codes to confirm your identity. To provide a more secure and convenient login experience, if your device and your version of the App both support fingerprint and/or facial recognition functions, you can choose to enable such functions on the App and log into the App by completing fingerprint or face verification on your device. It is important to note that we only receive the verification results and do not collect your fingerprint or facial information. If you prefer not to use fingerprints or facial recognition, you can still log in using other methods.
c. Please be aware that the App is intended for corporate and institutional investors only. In order to provide you with better services, please contact your sales representative in time when your company information, department, email address, phone number and job title change, and we will keep your information in our system up to date. You and/or the company you work for shall bear the legal consequences, risks and responsibilities arising from the failure to notify us of the foregoing matters.
1.1.2 Authentication
When you use the functions or related services in the App that require identity authentication, you may need to provide your real identity information (real name, phone number, company email, company information, department, job title, business card, etc.) to ensure that you are able to use the identity authentication functions. Meanwhile, in order to verify the accuracy and completeness of such information, CICC may check the information you provide with the institutions (government agencies, institutions, and commercial institutions). You can refuse to provide such information. If you refuse to provide such information, you may not be able to obtain access to the relevant functions or services, but it will not affect your use of the other functions or services on the App.
1.2 Notification
1.2.1 You know and agree that for your contact information (such as phone number, email address) provided by you during the use of the App, we may send multiple notifications to one or more of these contact addresses during service operation, including activity reminders, identity verification, security verification, user experience research and other notifications. You can refuse to provide your contact information. If you refuse to provide your contact information, you may not be able to obtain access to related services, but it will not affect your use of our other services via the App.
1.2.2 Subject to your consent and any subsequent opt-out (if any), we may use your personal information for marketing activities or events held by us. If you provide your consent for such purposes, you may be required to provide your name, address and other contact information according to the needs of the activity or event. For the avoidance of doubt, this consent is separate from and independent of the consent provided for the purposes of this Privacy Policy and it may be withdrawn at any time without reference to the duration of this Privacy Policy or the App, and will survive the termination or expiration of any applicable service contracts.
1.3 News and Audio-visual Content
In order to access audio and video resources including live streaming, etc., you may need to enable the multimedia functions of your device and change your audio and video settings. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, you will not be able to access our audio and video resources including live streaming, but it will not affect your use of our other services via the App.
In order to provide you with the Zoom meeting feature embedded in the App, Bluetooth permission is required so that you can use your Bluetooth device as a sound player, and microphone permission is also required so that you can speak in the meeting. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, you will not be able to access such functions, but it will not affect your use of our other services via the App.
In order to provide you with continuous video playback services, we need to upgrade the apps to a foreground service to prevent the apps from being killed by the system, thereby providing continuous video playback. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, you will not be able to access such functions, but it will not affect your use of our other services via the App.
1.4 Copy and Share
In order for you to copy and share information, we need to access your clipboard and read the text, links and other content contained within so as to realize functions or services such as page-jumping or switching, copying, and sharing. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, you will not be able to access such features, but it will not affect your use of our other services via the App.
When you share information, we need to check the applications installed on your phone to share the information with the applications you wish to share with. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, you will not be able to access such features, but it will not affect your use of our other services via the App.
1.5 Feedback
1.5.1 During the use of the App, you can give your feedback on the problems encountered and service experience in order to help us better understand your experience and needs when using the App. While helping you solve problems that you encountered during your use of the App, this will help us improve our products and services as well, so we will collect your contact information, feedback questions or suggestions, your correspondence/call records with us and other related content (including account information, the information you provide to prove relevant facts, or other contact information you have submitted or provided to us), so that we can further get in touch with you and keep you up to date about your feedback processing.
1.5.2 When you use the feedback function, if you want to send pictures, you may need to authorize permissions to access the photo library and the camera to take pictures. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, you will not be able to access such features, but it will not affect your use of our other services via the App.
1.6 Event Reminder
In order for us to remind you of live-streaming events or for you to participate in relevant activities, you need to authorize the calendar permission so that the event information will be added into the calendar function on your device. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, you will not be able to access such features, but it will not affect your use of our other services via the App.
1.7 Browse History
In order to provide you with personalized and accurate services to improve your experience in using the App, we will collect your browsing, searching and forwarding records and conduct reasonable analysis based on your information. You can refuse to provide such information. If you refuse to provide such information, you may not be able to get access to related services, but it will not affect your use of our other services via the App. At the same time you can send a request to check your personal browsing, searching and forwarding records by email to FICC_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com. In general, we will verify and process the request within 15 working days after receiving it. The feedback will also be sent by email.
1.8 Teleconference
Phone call access may be required in order for us to allow you to contact a customer manager or attend a teleconference. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, you will not be able to access such features, but it will not affect your use of our other services via the App.
1.9 Push Notifications
If you want to receive the push notifications sent to you by CICC in a timely manner, you may need to enable the notification function, and for Android users, you also need to authorize the permission to start-up launching, notification management and vibration control. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, you will not be able to access such features, but it will not affect your use of our other services via the App.
1.10 Real Estate Investment Trust (“REIT”) Model Share Function
After modelling a REIT through the REITs Module in the App and/or website, you may share such model with other individuals by inputting their mobile phone number or email address into the App or website. You warrant that whenever you share such mobile phone number or email address with CICC, you have obtained the prior consent of the relevant individual(s) for CICC to collect, use and/or disclose their mobile phone number or email address for the aforementioned purpose.
1.11 Changes in the Purpose of Collecting, Using, Disclosing and/or Processing Personal Information
Please be aware that with the development of our business, there may be adjustments and changes to the functions and services on the App. In principle, when the new functions or services are related to the functions or services we currently provide, the personal information collected and used will be directly related to the original purposes. In scenarios that personal information is collected, used, disclosed and/or processed for new purposes which are not directly related to the original purposes, we will inform you of such change in reasonable ways such as by page prompts and other interactive processes, and obtain your consent for such changes in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations.
1.12 Safe Operation
1.12.1 Operation and Security
We are committed to providing you with safe and reliable products and experiences, and it is our core goal to present you with high-quality and reliable services and information. In order to maintain the smooth operation of the App and protect the legitimate rights and interests of you or other users or the general public from loss, we will collect the necessary information set out at 1.11.2 below to maintain the safe and stable operation of the App.
1.12.2 Device and Log Information
- a. In order to ensure the safe operation, quality and efficiency of our software and services, we will collect the following information from you: hardware model, operating system version, device identifiers (such as IMEI, AndroidID, OAID, IMSI, ICCID, GAID, MEID, different identifiers will vary in terms of validity period, whether they can be reset by the user, and how to obtain them), software installation list, MAC address, IP address, WLAN access (eg. SSID, BSSID), base station, software version number, network access method, type, status, network quality data, operation, usage, service log, computer system (Windows or Mac), browser and version, screen resolution.
- b. In order to prevent malwares and ensure operational quality and efficiency, we may collect installed application information or information of the running process, overall application operation, usage and frequency, application crashes, overall installation usage, performance data and application sources.
- c. We may use your account information, device information, service log information, and information provided by our associated parties and partners with your authorization or in accordance with applicable laws and regulations to check account and transaction security, perform identity verification, and identify violations of laws and regulations, detect and prevent security incidents, and take necessary recording, analysis, and handling measures in line with the law.
1.13 Others
If you want to keep the screen on when using the App, you may need to authorize permission to prevent the device from sleeping. If you refuse to authorize the required permissions, you will not be able to access such features, but it will not affect your use of our other services via the App.
In order to provide you with stable network connection and continuous services, you need to authorize permission to network functions, complete network access, network links, network link changes, WLAN status, and WLAN status changes.
2. How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies
2.1 We use operating system APIs, Cookies and other similar technologies to give you better experience of using the App. We may use related technologies to send one or more Cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device to collect and store the data when you visit and use the App. We will not use Cookies for any purpose other than those described in this Privacy Policy. We use Cookies and similar technologies mainly to achieve the following functions or services:
- a. To make sure the safe and efficient operation of the App: We may set Cookies or anonymous identifiers for authentication and security, so that we can confirm whether you are safely logging in to the service, or whether you have encountered account theft, fraud or other illegal activities. These technologies will also help us improve service efficiency and shorten the time for login and App response.
- b. To make sure you have an easier visit experience: Using such technologies could streamline the repetitive operations such as filling in your personal information and logging in repeatedly.
3. How We Disclose Personal Information
3.1 Principles
3.1.1 The principle of legitimacy and necessity: The use of personal information must have a legitimate purpose and should only be necessary to achieve the purpose.
3.1.2 The principle of security and prudence: If required by applicable laws and regulations, we will carefully evaluate the purpose of personal information usage by our partners, and will use commercially reasonable efforts to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the security assurance of these partners as well as require them to follow the legal agreement of cooperation. If required by applicable laws and regulations, we will also use commercially reasonable efforts to conduct security monitoring on the Software Development Kits (“SDKs”) and Application Programming Interfaces (“APIs”) used by our partners to obtain information so as to ensure data security. For more information about SDKs, please refer to Appendix IV: Third-Party SDKs.
In this Section 3, “third parties” include our associated parties, cooperative financial institutions and other partners, and the term “third party” shall be construed accordingly.
3.2 Sharing
We promise to keep your personal information strictly confidential. Unless otherwise stipulated by applicable laws and regulations or required by regulatory authorities, we will only share your personal information with third parties in the following circumstances. When it is indeed necessary to share the personal information with a third party, we will evaluate the legality, legitimacy and necessity of the third party using or processing your personal information, we will require the third party to take protective measures for your personal information, and strictly abide by applicable laws and regulations, regulatory requirements or agreement.
- (1) In accordance with applicable laws and regulations and by following the effective legal documents of the court or mandatory administrative or judicial requirements (including foreign administrative or judicial requirements) as well as other legal procedures, customer information will be disclosed to the relevant local or foreign government agencies, judicial agencies, regulatory agencies, self-regulatory organizations, or any institution or individual who needs to receive customer information as required by the aforementioned institutions or applicable laws and regulations.
- (2) To the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, the personal information will be necessarily disclosed in order to safeguard social and public interests, or to protect personal and property safety or legitimate interests and rights of CICC and customers of CICC, or its associated parties, partners, other users or employees.
- (3) To the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, the personal information will be necessarily disclosed for security concerns, fraud monitoring, prevention or prohibition of illegal activities, risk control, compliance and business management.
- (4) Some products or services may be provided by third parties or jointly provided by us and third parties. Therefore, only by sharing your information can we provide the products or services you need.
- (5) If you choose to participate in the marketing activities jointly carried out by us and third parties, we may share with them the information generated during the activity and the information necessary to complete the event, so that the third party can provide you with services in a timely manner. We will clearly inform you on the activity page or through other channels of the information required by third parties and if required, obtain your prior consent in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations.
- (6) With your prior explicit consent, we will share your information with third parties to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations.
3.3 Data Used for Realizing Functions or Services
a. Location Services: When you use location-related services, location service providers (e.g. Sensors Data, Aurora Mobile) may use your GPS and device information through SDKs or related technologies so as to give you location-based results. Location data are sensitive personal information, and refusal to provide it will only affect the Location Services, but will not affect the normal access of other functions.
b. Push Notifications: In order to adapt the message push function to your devices, manufacturers (Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, VIVO, etc.) may require your device model, version and related device information through SDKs and other technologies.
3.4 Transfer
As our business continues to develop, we may carry out mergers, acquisitions, and asset transfers, and your personal information may be transferred as well. In the event of the aforementioned changes, we will continue to protect or require the new receiving party of personal information to continue to protect your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations and the security standards not lower than that required by this Privacy Policy, otherwise we will require the new receiving party re-obtains your authorization to use and process your personal information.
3.5 Global Transfer of Personal Information
In principle, the personal information collected and generated by CICC within Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”) will be stored in the People’s Republic of China and/or Hong Kong.
In addition, we provide our products or services (including the App) through resources and servers across the globe, which means that after obtaining your authorization and consent, your personal information may be transferred outside the jurisdictions of the country/region where you use the App, or subject to access from those jurisdictions.
Such jurisdictions may have different data protection laws. CICC will ensure that your personal information is adequately and equally protected in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
3.6 Entrusted Circumstances
You agree and consent to us entrusting the processing of your personal information to third parties. For cases where the processing of personal information is entrusted, we will sign relevant agreements with the entrusted partners in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
4. How we store personal information
4.1 Location
In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, personal information collected and generated during domestic operations will be stored in the People’s Republic of China and/or Hong Kong.
4.2 Storage Period
4.2.1 Subject to applicable laws and regulations, we will only retain your personal data for so long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes as set out in this Privacy Policy. We will store your personal information when you are using the App, after you stop using the App or cancel the authorization for relevant permissions, we will delete or anonymize your information, except in the following cases:
a. Comply with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations on information storage.
b. Reasonable extension of the storage period that is required for financial, auditing, dispute resolution and other business or legal reasons.
4.2.2 If you are an authorized corporate user, we will handle the data controlled by the corporation according to the customer’s instructions. If you have questions about the relevant content or claim related personal information interests and rights, please contact the customer or the corporate customer administrator for more details.
5. How We Ensure Personal Information Security
5.1 We take security of your personal information very seriously. We have established a data security system and implemented reasonable technical security measures to prevent unauthorized access to and modification of your personal information so as to protect personal information from misuse or accidental, unlawful or unauthorised damage, loss, alteration, disclosure, acquisition or access. Our network services employ encryption technologies such as transport layer security protocols to ensure security of your data during network transmission. We will take appropriate technical measures to ensure that you can access, update and correct the information or other personal information you have provided when using the App.
5.2 We use strict data processing access controls to prevent unauthorized use of data. We employ encryption technology, which is widely used in the industry, to store your personal information encrypted. These technical measures and organizational management methods are always implemented and may be revised from time to time to improve the overall security of the system.
5.3 Although the above reasonable and effective measures have been taken, please understand that due to the limitations of technology and the possibility of various malicious means, it is not always possible to guarantee 100% information security, even with all efforts to strengthen security, but we will do our best to ensure the security of personal information provided to us. Please be aware and understand that the systems and communication networks you use to access the App may experience problems due to factors beyond our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take proactive measures to protect your personal information, including but not limited to using complex passwords, changing your password regularly, and not disclosing your account password and other personal information to others. If you find that your personal information has been compromised, especially your account number and password, please contact us immediately through the contact information set out in this Privacy Policy so that we can take appropriate counter measures.
5.4 In the event of an incident that jeopardizes cyber security, we will take appropriate measures in a timely manner.
5.5 If we encounter a personal information security incident in which your personal information is unfortunately leaked, illegally provided or misused, we will inform you in a timely manner if required by applicable laws and regulations: the incident situation and the possible impact, the response measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions for you to independently prevent and reduce the risk, the fix plan for you, etc. In such situation, we will inform you of the incident-related situation through notification, and if it is difficult to inform the related parties one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective approach to publish an announcement on such matter. At the same time, if required by applicable laws and regulations, we will also report the result of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.
5.6 If you are redirected, or if you browse or use other websites, services and content resources not controlled by us, we will not have the ability or obligation to protect any personal information you submit in the course of using such third party products, whether or not your login, browsing or use of the above-mentioned software or website is based on a link or portal contained in the App. When you visit web pages created by third parties or use applications developed by third parties, those third parties may place their own Cookies or pixel tags that are not controlled by CICC and not governed by this Privacy Policy. Please contact them directly for details of their privacy policies. If you find that these third-party-created web pages or third-party-developed applications have potential risks, it is strongly recommended that you terminate the relevant operations to protect your legitimate rights and interests.
6. Manage Your Personal Information
We take the management of your personal information very seriously and make every effort to protect your rights to access, copy, modify, delete, withdraw consent authorization, and cancel your account with respect to your personal information so that you are able to safeguard your privacy and information.
6.1 View Privacy Policy
You can view the entire contents of this Privacy Policy on the App after logging in to your account. Please be aware that the features of the service described in this Privacy Policy may vary depending on your account privileges, authorizations given, device model, system version, software application version, among other factors. The final products and services are subject to the software and related services you use.
6.2 Change or Withdraw Your Authorization
6.2.1 You may access the relevant permissions page in the App’s settings page, in order to change or withdraw your authorization. If you withdraw your authorization, we will no longer collect information related to this permission.
6.2.2 After you start using the App, you may cancel your user account. At the same time you can send a request to withdraw your consent for us to use your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy by email to FICC_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com. In general, we will verify and process the request within 15 working days after receiving it. The feedback will also be sent by email.
6.2.3 Specific functions and services will require your information in order to be completed. When you withdraw your consent or authorization, we will no longer be able to provide you with the functions and services for which you have withdrawn your consent or authorization and will no longer process your personal data accordingly. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the processing of your personal data that we have previously carried out on the basis of your authorization.
6.3 Check and Correct Your Account Information
You can check and change your name and information directly in the App.
Please note that for security and identification concerns, you may not be able to change some of the initial registration information submitted during registration on your own. If you do need to change such registration information, please contact us through the methods in the contact details in this Privacy Policy.
6.4 Check, Correct and Delete other Information
You can adjust the service in line with your needs and the specific products and features we offer in the corresponding function page (e.g. you can cancel a booking reminder in the “Live Streaming – Booking”).
6.5 Account Cancellation
6.5.1 You can cancel a registered account by sending an account cancellation request to FICC_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com. The information which you used to register the account which you wish to now cancel should be provided in the email. In general, we will verify and process the request within 15 working days after receiving it. The feedback will also be sent by email.
6.5.2 Before cancelling your account, we may ask you to verify your identity in order to protect your account. Please be aware and understand that the act of account cancellation is irreversible, and after your account is canceled, we will delete or anonymize your information, except as otherwise required by laws and regulations or as otherwise asked by the customer regarding the data use. When you delete information from the App, CICC may not immediately delete the corresponding information in the backup system, but will delete the information when the backup is updated.
6.6 Discontinuation of Operation and Announcement
If we discontinue the operation of the App, we will promptly stop collecting your personal information, inform you of the operation offline by individual notification or announcement, and delete or anonymize your personal information which we possess.
In addition to the above, if you or other entitled subjects have any claims, requests or questions regarding the exercise of personal information rights granted by applicable laws and regulations, you may contact us by sending an email to the address stated in this Privacy Policy, and we will review the issues involved as soon as possible.
7. Underage Users Clause
7.1 If you are a minor under 18, you should jointly read and agree to this Privacy Policy under the supervision and guidance of, and with consents from your parents or other guardian before using the App.
7.2 In cases where personal information of minors is collected with parental consent, CICC will only use or publicly disclose the information as permitted by law, with the explicit consent of their parents or guardians, and in accordance with the other terms set out under this Privacy Policy.
7.3 If CICC finds out that the personal information is collected from minors without prior verifiable parental consent, we will seek to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.
7.4 If you are the guardian of a minor, please contact us through the contact information in this Privacy Policy if you have questions about the personal information of the underage user in your custody.
8. Notice on Privacy Policy Revisions
This Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time by CICC based on changes in business functions, usage rules, contact information, storage location, or legal and regulatory requirements. If there’s any change to this Privacy Policy, CICC will notify you by means of a push notification or issue an announcement in the App. If you do not agree with the changes, you should stop using the App. If you continue to use the App after the revision of this Privacy Policy is made, you are deemed to have fully read, understood and accepted the revised Privacy Policy and are willing to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.
9. Language
In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of this Privacy Policy, the English version shall prevail to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency.
10. Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or any related complaints or comments, please send an email to FICC_APP_SERVICE@cicc.com. After receiving your email, we will handle them timely and properly. Generally, we will send you our reply within 15 working days.
Appendix I: Checklist of CICC Service Personal Information Collection
We may collect the following personal information that you voluntarily provide, or that we automatically collect via the App, when you are using functions or receiving services.
Scenarios for collecting personal information | Personal information that may be collected | |
Account-related | Sign-up, log-in | Alias |
Username | ||
Password | ||
Phone number | ||
Email address | ||
Name | ||
Institution name | ||
Department name | ||
Business line / unit | ||
Job title | ||
Password reset | Phone number | |
Search | Search results | User’s keyword search history / information on the app |
User’s search log / records on the app | ||
Share | REITs calculator model share | Phone number |
Email address | ||
Operations and security assurance | Device information and log information | Hardware models and settings |
Operating system version number and settings | ||
Device name | ||
Device configuration | ||
International Mobile Equipment Identity | ||
UDID (Unique Device Identifier) (e.g. IMEI, AndroidID, OAID, IMSI, ICCID, GAID, MEID, specific name varies depending on software and hardware version) | ||
Media Access Control Address (MAC address) | ||
IP address | ||
WLAN access point (e.g. SSID, BSSID) | ||
Base station | ||
Software version number | ||
Network access method | ||
Network access type and status | ||
Network quality data | ||
Location data | ||
Operation, usage and service logs | ||
Computer system (e.g. Windows or Mac) | ||
Browser and version | ||
Screen resolution | ||
Application information | Software installation list or running process information, overall application operation, usage and frequency, application crashes, overall installation usage, performance data | |
Application source |
Appendix II: Checklist of CICC Service Sensitive Personal Information Collection
I. Principles
Principle of security and prudence: Due to the special protection for sensitive personal information, we will only request the processing of sensitive personal information and take appropriate security measures when required by laws or regulations and when necessary in order to provide the relevant functions.
Principle of right to know and decision-making: We will take reasonable efforts to inform you of the purpose, method and scope of the processing of sensitive personal information and the result of refusal through this Privacy Policy and immediate notification (including pop-ups, masks, notifications, etc.) to protect your right to know and right to decide.
II. Purpose, Method, Scope and Necessity of Handling
1. Certification Information
When you use the sign-up, account retrieval/password reset and other functions that require authentication or related services, we may collect your identity information (name, email, phone number, organization, department, job title, etc.) to complete the functions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. If the information constitutes sensitive personal information, you may refuse to provide it. If you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to get access to the relevant services, but it will not affect your use of other functions and services via the App.
2. Precise geolocation information
We only request to collect precise geolocation data when you use features that require precise geolocation information, which is used in the third-party SDK, and we may ask you to authorize geolocation permissions and, with your separate consent, we may collect precise geolocation information in relation to these features for the purpose of displaying location information to you or helping you to realize these functions. Precise geolocation information is sensitive personal information and if you refuse to provide it, we will not be able to offer you these features, but it will not affect your access to other functions.
3. Others
When you choose to participate in relevant marketing campaigns run by us and our partners, we and our partners may need to use information such as your name, postal address and contact details in order to ensure that you receive a consistent experience in our joint campaigns, or to entrust our partners to redeem rewards to you in a timely manner. If the information constitutes sensitive personal information, you may refuse to provide it. Such refusal may affect your participation in relevant activities, but will not affect your access to other functions.
Appendix III: Permission Application and Usage Description
- • Version number: Android 1.0.8,iOS 1.0.8, and newer versions
- • We may apply for or use the relevant permissions of the operating system to ensure the functionality of the App and for the purpose of safe and stable operation.
- • To protect your right to know, we put the relevant operating system permissions that the product may apply for and use in the following list, and you can manage the relevant permissions according to actual needs.
- • In light of the upgrade of the product, the types and purposes of application and use of the permissions may change. We will adjust the list in accordance with these changes in time to ensure that you are informed of the application and use of the permission in a timely manner.
- • Please be aware that we may also use third-party SDKs for the functional and security requirements of our business and products, and these third parties may also apply for or use the relevant operating system permissions.
Android App Permission List
Permission | Function Description | Scenario or Purpose |
iOS App Permission List
Permission | Function Description | Scenario or Purpose |
Appendix IV: Partner SDKs
- • In order to ensure the implementation of the relevant functions and the safe and stable operation of CICC, we may access the SDKs provided by third parties and affiliates for the relevant purposes. You consent to your personal information being collected and/or used by these SDKs for the purposes set out below.
- • The SDKs from which the information is obtained is strictly monitored for data security. Your information collected through third parties resides on CICC’s own servers and will not be shared with third party partners.
- • The connected SDKs are listed below.
- • Please note that third-party SDKs may have some changes in data processing types due to their version upgrades, strategy adjustments, etc. Please refer to their official instructions as published in the public domain.
Connected SDKs List
Android Connected Third-party SDKs List
SDK | Purpose | Type of data collected | Official website |
iOS Connected Third-party SDKs List
SDK | Purpose | Type of data collected | Official website |